Chapter 3 - Eccentric

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3 days later, dad got up early and invited me to go jogging with him. I agreed to his invitation because let's face it, I needed to move around a little. Knock out some calories in my body. And Laura was still busy with her new life in Australia. I saw this as a perfect chance to reconnect with him.

I changed my clothes and I tied my shoes and we started to jog away from the house. We started talking from the very start of the workout.

"Your birthday's almost here, isn't Toby?" he asked.

"Yeah dad." I replied.

My birthday is on the 9th of April. I never do anything special on my birthday, I just lay on my bed all day and watch movies or something. And mom always cooks me her signature dish, Lasagna.

"How'd you want to spend your special day?" dad asked.

"I don't know, I feel like I just want to stay in my room and play Mozart's songs in full volume on my computer." I replied

I really love listening to classical music. Mozart, Beethoven, and even Leadbelly. I really love listening to old music.

"That's just nonsense." he said. "You should go out and have some fun, you're not going to be a kid forever you know." he added.

"I guess I could go and buy something for me I guess." I replied.

"That's the spirit!" he said excitedly. "I'll give you money so that you can buy whatever you want on your special day."

"Thanks dad." I said.

"Anytime son." he replied.

I guess dad really has changed. He hasn't smoked or drinked any alcohol ever since he came back. He doesn't sound like an ex-convict anymore. He's like, all sobered up now. I guess some people do change.

We jogged back home after reaching the museum near the road we were jogging on. I saw a poster of a guy pasted on the window of the museum with a quotation printed beneath his chin. The quote said "All alone is all we are".

I was scared by the thought trapped within the quotation. One part of me was saying that this thought was erroneous, while one part of me was saying that it was the brutal reality of life.

I am a very religious boy. I believe in God. I never dared to question the greatness of the almighty. I obey his orders and pray everyday.

Dad saw that I looked a little pale after seeing the poster on the window of the museum. He immediately went up to me.

"Toby? Are you feeling okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine dad." I replied.

"Tell me if you're feeling funny okay? We'll take a taxi ride home." he said.

"It's fine dad. Really." I replied.

I mean, I shouldn't worry right? I have Laura, My parents who are very supportive, my friends like Tim. I'm not alone.

We got home at about 9:00 am. Mom was preparing the food that she just cooked. But something was really weird, mom kept grabbing her head like she was in real tremendous pain. I immediately noticed and went up to her.

"Mom, are you feeling alright?" I asked her.

"I'm alright." She responded. "Its just the headaches I've been continously getting the past few weeks." she added.

"Maybe you need to go see a specialist mom." I said.

"Don't worry Toby, everything's going to be fine." She replied.

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