chapter two

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^^^^^Think I found Tatum!! What do you think, should I keep looking?

Chapter two

After James left, Tatum finished out her day with no problem. After closing time she went back to the kitchen and began prepping batter and icing for the next morning then boxed up the leftover pastries. By the time she locked up shop it was 11: 56 pm. She sighed and went on her way to her one bedroomed appartment, making sure to distribute the pastries to any needy people or children as he passed.

Tatum did not live on the good side of town, there were a lot of homeless and hungry people here. She makes it her mission to feed the hungry and help the helpless anytime she can. By one in the morning, she had finally arrived home. As soon as she stepped foot in her appartment, she was greeted by Blue, her golden Labrador retriever, who was, as alwasys, waiting up for her.

She dropped her purse on the floor and crouched to hug blue, he licked her face and wagged his tail in response. "Okay, Blue, you go on to bed and I will be there shortly. I stink!" She told him. He barked and ran into the her bedroom. After she was showered and clean she put on her blue, cupcake printed jammies then ran into her room and bellyflopped onto her bed causing blue to look at her funny. "Oh, hush, you know you do it too!" The dog made a grunting noise before laying his head down on his front paws and exhaling loudly. "Oh, go to sleep you drama queen." She muttered before climbing under the covers and falling asleep.

Outside Tatum's window sat a lone raven watching her every move, undetected. He gave one last glance before flying off into the darkness.

The next day, Tatum was pulled awake by her screeching alarm clock. She smacked the off button before tossing her legs out of bed and putting her feet into her fuzzy pink slippers. After a quick stretch she began to make her way to the kitchen for a nice piping hot mug of coffee, yum. "Blue, wake up, I'm making breakfast!" She called over her shoulder at her sleeping dog who grunted in return.

In the kitchen she drank her coffee and made herself some scrambled eggs before pouring some Purina dog chow into Blue's food bowl.

After dishes were done, Blue was up and fed, and she was dressed, she grabbed her things and headed out the door toward the bakery. The day was dark and gloomy with the promise of a horrible thunderstorm and she couldn't quite shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen today.

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