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As I entered the club one of the bartenders came up to me.

"Miss King?"

"Yes?" I asked the girl.

"Jimmy can't work tonight, his mom had to go to the hospital." the girl said.

"Alright. Tell him to take all the time he needs. I'll cover for him until I find someone else to cover for him. Where is he stationed tonight?" I asked.

"He has the V.I.P bar tonight."

"Thank you." I said. I wouldn't be able to ask about the killer if I'm too busy getting drinks, but I'm not going to make the man come back to work, his mother needs him and I don't have another bartender to fill in for him.

I checked that everything was ready to go. I made sure that security had the V.I.P list and told them what kind of things to look out for. Pretty soon, it was five minutes until opening. I saw a huge line of people waiting to come inside. I made sure that all the lights were off except for the bar and table lights. I made sure all the security guards were where they were supposed to be and I went to the V.I.P bar. I cued the security guards to let everyone in.

A whole swarm of people entered the club and I heard the music starting to boom through the club.

"WELCOME TO INFINITY! WHO'S READY TO PARTY?" I heard the D.J say over the speakers. I heard various shouts and screams in response. You would think that people would stay home if there was a killer on the loose.

I was busy making drinks to ask questions about the killer and whenever I did have a chance to ask nobody was of any help. My night was filled with unanswered questions.

"Let me go!" I heard a woman say. I looked over to see a man dragging a woman with black hair and pale skin to the restroom. I saw a security guard close behind them.

"Hey!" I yelled to the guard. He looked over at me. "I got it, cover for me." The guard nodded and took my place at the bar while I followed the woman to a dark hallway. Once I reached them the man had the woman pinned against the wall and she was trying to free herself.

"Come on darlin', I know you want it." the man sneered.

"Let her go." I demanded as I approached them.

"Leave." the man growled.

"No." I said, crossing my arms. "Let her go before I make you."

"I don't think she wants to leave." the man said.

"Do you want to leave?" I asked the woman. She nodded her head.

"There you go. Now let her go." I said.

"She doesn't know what she wants. Now go and run to your boyfriend." the man said.

"Last warning." I said. The men kept his hold on the woman. I walked up to the man and I punched him, his nose cracking, indicating that I broke his nose. He howled in pain and stumbled back. I pushed the woman behind me.

"You little b***h!" the man yelled. He ran out of the room.

"Bastard." I muttered. I turned to the woman. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"

"He's my ex and he thought that I needed him because I didn't have a place to stay." the woman explained.

"What's your name?" I asked.


"And you don't have a place to stay?" Even though I just met the woman, I can't let her roam around here, with no place to stay.

"No. My roommate moved out and I can't find another roommate to help me with rent." Snow explained.

"Well then you'll stay at my place and work here. If you want." I offered.

"I can't-"

"Yes, you can. Do you want your ex to come back?" I said.

"Is your boss going to be okay with you hiring me?" Snow asked, unsure. I didn't want to tell her I'm the owner yet. She'll probably start treating me differently.

"We're short staffed." I said.

"And I'll just stay at your place until I can find new place to live?"
"Yep." I said, popping my 'p'.

"When do I start?" Snow asked, smiling.

"Now." I said. "Do you know how to make drinks?"

"I'm pretty good." Snow answered. I smiled.

"Great. Follow me." I led Snow to the bar and showed her all the drinks and we went to work.

Snow was pretty good at bar tending and everything was going pretty smoothly. Until her ex came back with Mason in tow. Snow's ex was holding his nose as he came up, his hand bloody. Everybody in the V.I.P section stares at us to see what Mason would do.

"There! Those are the women!" He yelled, pointing at me and Snow with his free hand. Mason looked at me and raised his eyebrow.

"He's telling me you two assaulted him for no reason, is that true?" Mason asked, clearly doubting that me and Snow would attack a man for no reason.

"Actually, this bastard was attacking my friend here and he wouldn't let her be so I made him." I explained.

"You hit him pretty hard, his nose is broken." Mason said, sounding impressed, completely ignoring Snow's ex.

"Thanks." I said. Snow's ex just stared at Mason, shocked that Mason wouldn't help him out.

"Why aren't you doing anything?!" Snow's ex yelled.

"Well, these women didn't do anything wrong and Alyssa here is my business partner." Mason explained, his voice calm.

"It's not like the b***h owns a big company or anything, she's not important." Snow's ex said. I wanted to punch again him for being such a sexist pig. I clenched my hands into fists.

"Actually, I own this place. So I could have you removed from this place if I wanted too." I threatened. I saw Snow's eyes go wide with shock and her ex just looked angry.

"Yeah? You and what army?" Snow's ex threatened. I smiled and looked at Mason. He nodded his head, following my train of thought.

"This one." I said, gesturing towards Mason.

"Mason is loyal to his buyers." Snow's ex argued.

"Yes, but I'm more loyal to my partners, so you either leave now or I make you leave." Mason threatened, his voice taking demanding tone.

"I'd like to see you try." he boasted. I scoffed. This man is so arrogant it's become funny.

Mason simply rolled his eyes and grabbed Snow's ex's arm and dragged him to the stairs. He tried to rip out of Mason's grip, but it was hopeless. He screamed profanities as Mason dragged him out of the club.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were the owner of the club?" Snow asked as her ex was being dragged away.

"You wouldn't have been as open with me. If I would've told you, you would've kept your mouth shut and you'd be back with your ex. Correct?" I asked, already knowing the answer. Snow stayed silent.

The rest of the night was quiet and peaceful. I left the club around 5 am, when it closed. I took a break when I took Snow to my house, but that was it.

Once I got home, I immediately laid on my bed, and passed out. I was to tired to care that I had no leads or any kind of information on the killer. I had wasted a day.

"When I first met you, I honestly didn't know you were going to be this important to me"


The picture above is Elizabeth Gillies, and she plays Snow.

I really hope you guys liked this chapter! Please vote and comment!


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