Chapter One~Once Upon A Time....

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Chapter One~Once Upon A Time....

As he opened the door to her bedroom, Guy Porter smiled when he saw his daughter sitting in the middle of the bed, perched like a princess on her throne.  Warm light from a bedside lamp bathed the room in soft hues of peach and pink.

"Where have you been Daddy?  I thought you were going to tell me more of the story!"   Ally demanded.  Guy smiled at his tenacious daughter.  His green eyes shining as the crinkles around them became more pronounced.

"You really like these stories of Nana and Poppa, don't you Ally?"  Guy said as he strode to her bedside and sat on the edge of the bed.  Ally smiled and put her arms around Guy's neck and hugged him tight.  He kissed her forehead and she sat back on the pillows.

"So."  Ally stated.   "Nana couldn't remember who Poppa was because she went back in time and met and married the man who has your name."

"That's right."  Guy replied.  But my dad, Lucas was not about to give up on the woman he loved!"

Ally, her hands under her chin, grinned in rapt attention.  She loved to hear the stories of Aylaina and Lucas, Guy's parents and her grandparents.  At 13 years old Ally was ready for romantic stories of true love and daring feats.

Ally Porter was tall and slim with long red-gold hair.  She had emerald green eyes like her grandmother and like Aylaina, a zeal for adventure that would rival Aylaina's own adventurous spirit.

"Nana, I mean Aylaina, " Ally began.  "Traveled to the future after Guy was killed and Poppa, I mean Lucas went to the future to find her."

"Hey, who's telling this story?"  Guy interrupted. 

"I beg your pardon."  Ally replied, seriously.   Gesturing with her hands held out toward Guy, she said, "Proceed."

Guy folded one of his long legs under him and picked up where he left off.

"Aylaina and Nicky finally got the tracker working.  Malcolm Reynolds and his crew agreed to take the lot of them off world to transport back in time before the Alliance took control of Earth.  Lucas had other ideas.  He was going to take his wife back with him to the 21st century.  But Aylaina had the tracker and would not let anyone near her.

'This is my tracker!  she exclaimed.  'And I'm going back where I came from!'

Malcolm Reynolds, Captain of the transport ship 'Serenity', tried to reason with Aylaina, but she was not to be deterred.  She pointed her 9mm handgun at Reynolds and shouted, 'Stay back!'

"Nana was bad as-"  Ally began to say.

Guy scolded.  "Ally!  I told you not to use that language."

"Oh Father."  Ally said, impatiently.  "Poppa says that about her all the time."

"I'm going to have to have a talk with him about that."  Guy muttered under his breath. 

"Shall I go on?"

"Please do."  replied Ally, an impish grin on her sweet face. Lucas would have said, just like Aylaina.

Guy continued the story.  "...and shouted, 'Stay back!'

Lucas was slowly making his way toward her.  'Aylaina, please don't do this.  I want you to come home with me.  I need you.  I love you.'  She looked over at Lucas and that's when Pete tried to rush her.  Aylaina turned the gun back on Pete.  As she did so, Lucas saw his chance.  He ran to Aylaina, grabbed her around the waist and as they fell to the cargo bay floor, Aylaina had her finger pressed on the pad that was programmed for Sherwood Forest, 1197.  Lucas held her closely to him but that caused Aylaina's finger to press hard on the pad and both Aylaina and Lucas disappeared.

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