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Two months later.

It's been two months since Zay came and today we're going on a date. I was in my room trying to pick out an outfit. After tearing my closet apart I chose out a nice red dress with a black bow that is on ribbon that wraps around the centre, a leather jacket, a black handbag, a pair of black heels, black earrings that were a triangular shape, black bangles and a necklace with a golden feather charm. I curled my hair and put hair spray in. My mother walked into my room and put her hand to her mouth.
"Lexi you look absolutely gorgeous." She said.
"Thanks mom." I said smiling.
After her taking thirty thousand pictures it was time for me to go. I walked out the door ignoring the stares from my brother and dad. I was halfway out the building when someone ran into the back of me. I spun around to see who it was. He was tall, he was attractive, he was my first crush.
Lucas Friar.
Every time, everything lead back to Lucas Friar.
"Hey Lucas." I said avoiding his eyes because I knew I'd stare.
"Lexi you look, wow." He said.
"Thanks, I gotta go." I said checking my phone.
"Where?" He asked.
"He didn't tell you?" I asked.
"I'm going on a date with Zay." I said.
"WHY?!" He said angrily.
"Because he asked me." I said.
"Oh crap I gotta grab money, I'll see you later." I said.
"Yeah see you later." He said looking behind me.
I ran back to my room to grab my money. I ran back out and the scene that met me out the front of my building was both scary and confusing. I stood behind a wall and watched.
"What the hell Zay?" Lucas shouted at my date.
"What?" Zay asked obviously confused.
"Your taking Lexi out?" He said pushing Zay back.
"Yeah, you gotta problem Lucas because last I checked you were with Riley." Zay said pushing Lucas.
"So what doesn't mean you get to go out with Lexi." He said.
"Why do you care?" I asked stepping out from my hiding place.
"L-Lexi." He said.
"No Lucas it's not up to you who I go out with, that's my business, you had a chance a year ago and you didn't take it, at least Zay wasn't so stupid." I said then turned to Zay who had his mouth slightly parted.
"Lexi you look amazing." He said.
"Thanks are you ready?" I asked.
"Yeah let's go." He said once he had gathered his senses.
"Have fun." Lucas scoffed.
"Will do." I shouted back.


Once we got to the cinema Zay bought the tickets and we went to the candy bar where to my disappointment he bought the snacks.
"Zay I really wouldn't mind paying for something." I said.
"No I'm paying." He said.
We went into the movie, of course it was about a cowboy in the big city.
After the movie we walked out and towards the subway. We walked hand in hand and the trip was all too quick. So was the train ride, we talked about life in New York and Texas. When we go off the train we walked to the front of my building. He let go of my hand and said goodnight.
"Goodnight ma'am." Zay said dipping his hat.
"Goodnight Cowboy." I said curtsying.
And with that he was off.
I turned around to walk inside when I saw him.
Lucas friar. He was standing in my hiding spot from earlier.
"What the the hell." I said. "Are you spying on me."
"No." He lied.
"Lucas what are you doing?"
"You went on a date with him?."
"Why." I turned to leave I wasn't dealing with this now.
Then it happened. He grabbed my wrist, I spun around to confront him but he leaned in to kiss me. I slapped him in the face.
"Lucas what the hell." I exclaimed pushing him away.
His face was a mixture of disappointment and shock.
"Lexi, I'm sorry I didn't mean to." He said.
"No Lucas you can't leave me for a year only to come back when I've moved on." I yelled. Then I ran. Straight to my room.

The next morning I didn't say a word to anyone. I ate my breakfast and walked out the front of my building only to see Zay waiting for me.
"Hey cowboy." I said.
"Hey city girl."
"How are you?"
"Better now that your here."
"Your so cliché."
"It's a gift."
I laughed as he grabbed my hand, it felt uncomfortable after the events last night but I let him. We walked to the subway station and I saw Riley and Maya talking when they saw me and Zay there faces lit up.
"So how was last night?" Maya said.
"Good." I said. I wondered how the hell they knew cause I don't talk to them, like ever.
That's when Lucas came. I looked around and saw the train approaching.
"Trains here." I said avoiding Lucas's gaze.
Unlike the train ride last night this one was long and awkward. As soon as we got to school our first class was history. We walked into history and nothing was out of place.
"Ok class today we begin." Mr Matthews started. "The civil war."
"This again?" Riley said.
"Yes this again." Mr Matthews said.
"Ok can someone tell me what a civil war is?"
I raised my hand.
"A war fought between ourselves." Lucas said before I could.
"Thank you Lucas but I called on Lexi."
"Yeah, but Lucas how about you tell us how you know this." I said.
"It's common sense." He said.
I looked at him telling him to tell the truth, he just looked back emotionless. We must've been that way for a while because Zay spoke up.
"Why you lookin at each other like that?" He asked.
"Lucas you didn't tell him?" I asked.
"Tell me what?"
"I didn't need to."
"Tell me what?" Zay persisted.
"Tell him Lucas." I said.
"I will." Lucas said.
"Tell me what?" Zay said again.
"I tried to kiss Lexi."


More cliffhangers!!! Till next time lovlies! Can I please have some feedback on anything I can improve thx!
Word Count: 1049
Edited: No

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