Chapter 4: I love You Too Maiding

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First of all thnx for the great feedback and I'm so glad that all of you love my story but unfortunately im still unssatisfied with my English and I think I need improve a lot. Btw as I promise I will update this story once a week same as my other story. So I hope all of u can be patients for 7 days. Enjoy..

An Ziyan POV

"An ziyan..wake up" I heard someone calling my name.

"an ziyan.." I felt a cold hand touching my shoulder. Maiding??

I open my eyes slowly. There he was looking at me smiling.

"maiding??!! You alive!!" im so happy. I was hugging him so hard. There is tears forming in my eyes.

"maiding where have you been? I thought u were die. I saw ur body. It is not u right?" for the first time I cry in front of him.

He just smiling at me. He caressed my cheek.

"an ziyan...let me go.."

No no no..this is not happening

"Maiding.." I hold his hands my tears running through my cheeks.

"I love you an ziyan..always.." he told me

"I love you too maiding..please don't leave me..maiding" I hug him really hard but slowly I felt im hugging air.

"Maiding..Maiding..Maiding!!! Don't leave me. You promise to me Maiding!!!"


"An ziyan..wake up" I felt someone calling my name

I rushed wake up "Maiding!!" I stare at the person standing in front of me it is An Su my sister.

Her face full of sympathy. "An ziyan wake up. You can't be like this forever",

It's already 1 months since maiding's dead. I didn't take care of myself not even my company. I felt empty inside out. I just laying in my bed looking at Maiding's picture. Deep in my heart I felt regret cuz I never told him I love him so much.

"an ziyan you need to get up!! Please an ziyan. Think of ur family. Think of grandpa he seriously worried about u" an Su almost crying saying that few words.

I just keep silent. Looking at Maiding's picture. I really look like a crazy person.

"go away..I wanna be alone.."

"an ziyan.." an Su was crying right now.


An Su get out from the house crying. I also crying staring at Maiding's picture.



Maiding POV

It's already 1 month I have been in the hospital in Beijing. I can move my body already. According to Chen I was in accident and someone manages to pull me out from the car before the second explosion. Half of my body burn including my face but fortunately the burn is mild and it can be cure and I survive.

According to Chen there is someone with me when the accident happened and that person died he didn't manage to get out from the car. I asked him about that person he just said he is my friend and his body already taken back to Beijing. I asked him about the funeral cuz I want to pay my last respect to him. Chen refuses to bring me cuz he was worried for my health. Like it or not I have to hear what he said cuz he is my doctor and bf.

I look at the window in my room it is raining really hard outside. Suddenly there is someone knocking my door. It's Chen..he look so handsome with his white coat. But if it's true he is my bf why I didn't have a slight interest to him. Weird. But maybe becuz of the amnesia that I got I forgot about him and other people around me.

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