Chapter 4

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I woke up groggily the whole night I tossed and turned because I didn't get to much sleep in. I think it was the fact that I am going home in a few short hours and I would never see this place again. So I stood up and walked out the door towards the kitchen not even bothering with my appearance I walked straight to the coffee. I really needed a cup just to wake me up so could start this day. It was my last day after all so why not make a use of the things would never see again.

"Well good morning to you to sleepy" I heard Jim say as he entered the kitchen pouring himself a cup.

"Morning" I said almost in a whisper

"Somebody is in a mood probably because you won't see my pretty little face in the morning?" Jim playfully nudged me

"Oh yes Jim I'm so sad I'm not going to see you anymore" I sarcastically replied and I flattered my eyes at him so he just laughed at my terrible acting but in true reality I was going to miss this guy. He made easy to be here with his playful laughs.

"Gosh you really have to go back for acting classes you suck" he said

"That was really mean of you to say I must tell you I was top in my class for acting" but I knew he was making a joke and we laughed.

"Yeah well I would like to see that" Jim said leaving me to go to where ever they go I finished my coffee and made my way back to the bathroom.

I showered and dressed in a really cute yellow dress Jim got me with a pair of black heels. I don't know but sometimes I wondered if Jim wasn't a secret fashion designer because he had good taste. I finished with a little bit of makeup and curled my hair when I was done I looked in the mirror and everything looked beautiful. I didn't actually have anything to pack since they bought everything for me and I didn't want to be a sponger so I would just leave it here.

I heard a knock on the door and suddenly a pair of blue eyes popped up.

"Are you done?" Angelo asked me

"Um... Yes" I said looking around Angelo looked puzzled for a moment

"Where are your bags?" he asked again

"Well since I didn't make it a sleep over nothing came with me so I guess this is it" I replied

"Oh well lets go then" He said and walked off

"Wait where is Jim I thought he said he is going to take me?" I asked running after him

"Change of plans he had somewhere to be so I am taking you" he said and opened the door. Believe me at this moment I wanted nothing more than driving with him alone in a car. Where is Jim when I needed him he would have told me that he wasn't going to take me? But worst of all he didn't even say goodbye.

"Shit hits the fan" I mumbled and Angelo looked at me

"What?" He asked

"Nothing" I said quickly

I made my way out the door and walked silently behind him. It was the first time in a week and a half that I stepped out of that door and I didn't know where we were going. We made a turn and came to stand in front of the elevator as the doors opened Angelo let me in first and he pressed the floor button when I saw we were on the 60th floor.

"Wow, you really out done yourself?" I asked a bit surprised

"Excuse me?" Angelo looked at me

"I mean the 60th floor why build so many or what else does this place have that no one else has?" I asked you know what they say curiosity killed the cat and I most probably where the cat.

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