Chapter 8

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The drive to the party was extremely long by now it was night time and I was already exhausted of this day. Is this how all of them are getting ready for a big event? I thought. But never the less we made it to the mansion and when I say mansion is was huge. There were cars upon cars people standing everywhere getting out of the cars and walking towards into the building. Ricardo parked at the curve got out at to my side opening the door.

"May I?" he asked and I looked at the cameras flashing and people yelling

"Of Corse but since when are you so nice to me you don't like me from the beginning" I asked then looked in front of me

"What I'm just a gentleman and don't worry about them just hold on to me" he said as he must have noticed my discomfort with the flashing lights and I took his arm when he led me to the opening doors.

"Angelo said he will look for you so just stay in one spot as soon as we enter I'm going to leave you" he said again

"Okay" I was scared shitless and didn't like this one bit.

We entered and I looked down the stairs there were a lot of people at the end of the stairs now I only have to climb a few dozen of these and then I'm safe without falling, I thought it sounded easy that was until Ricardo left my side and all eyes were staring at me. No Shit this can't be happening why the hell are you staring look away. I'm going to hyperventilate shit. At least if I fall I will fall to my death and I can't be humiliated I smiled to myself. Just as I took the first step I saw a pair of blue eyes in the crowd watching me carefully he looked stunned and I thought was I looking that awful? Did he wish I would fall down the stairs? No Scar he would never want that I think I was so deep in my thoughts looking at Angelo I didn't realize he came closer to me and I was already at the bottom.

I looked back and couldn't believe I just did that score point for me for not falling to my death. I turned back around and Angelo stood in front of me.

"It's good to see my money didn't go to waste" he said looking me up and down. I was on the verge to do something I will regret with this man at least he could have applaud me for my descending of the huge staircase instead I got an insult. Well Mr Bossy if you want to play your little game then let's play. I could see the wicked smile in my head

"If that was your way of telling me I look beautiful then your money was worth it" I said with the sweetest smile I could muster up

"Excuse me?" he said and just then Mrs Devoski saved me from a snarky remark I would have said back.

"Oh my dear you look stunning" she said and hugged me I looked at Angelo sideways and back returned the kind gesture.

"Thank you I must say you really have a beautiful home Mrs Devoski" I said looking at the ballroom

"Why thank you dear had designed it myself" she said proud of her work

"Not just good in fashion but home designing to" I replied we both were laughing

"Oh and Mr De Luca I see as handsome as always" she said and he took her hand kissing it at the back

"I can say the same to you Anna" he replied giving her back her hand

"Well I hope you enjoy the evening and help to whatever you like and Angelo you better look after this beauty" she said and walked off to another couple waving at her. Angelo let me through the crowd towards a couple standing in the east corner of the room.

"Yeah right" I snorted

"Miss Santoro please don't say anything and speak when you're spoken to" he said and we came to halt in front of the young couple

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