Chapter 17

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It was a new morning and my buzzer of the clock went off I was really tired Angelo wanted us all to get up early so we could go over the plan. I mean six o'clock in the morning? He was crazy to think I wanted to get up six o'clock. Now if it was a few weeks ago I wouldn't have minded but not now I wanted to sleep. So I turned around picked up the clock and threw it across the room. Ah silence at last

I turned around ready to fall back asleep but someone burst into my room.

"Come kiddo time to get up" Jim half yelled tapping me to get up

"No I want to sleep leave me alone" I said pulling the covers over me

All of a sudden the covers were ripped from under me and I gave a shrill

"Jim" I sleepily yelled

"Get up Santoro" Angelo yelled so it wasn't Jim

"NO it's too early" I said trying to get the covers back but failed because my arm couldn't actually help at least Jim thought this was funny

"Good luck kiddo" Jim said walking out and left me and Angelo alone

"Santoro I give you one minute or I will get water" Angelo said I snapped my eyes open and sat up right in bed

"Okay geez I'm up" I said still so tired but held my hands up in surrender.

"Good now get ready" Angelo said walking out the door I wanted to lay back down but Angelo's voice yelled from the hallway

"60 seconds Santoro"

"Asshole" I said

"I heard that" he yelled back and my eyes fell to the door no wonder because the door was still open. I jumped up and closed it I grabbed some clothes and sprang in the shower. After I was done I applied some makeup and left my hair to it wavy natural curls. I grabbed my jacket seeing as it was cold outside.

I made my way down the stairs and everyone was already there.

"Good morning" I said and yawned

"Someone got to bed late" Ricardo said and I blushed when I remembered where Angelo took me last night we were there till 1 o'clock this morning just talking.

"Yeah what's the point to wake up so early?" I said and got me cup of coffee

"Because we have work to do and you are coming with us" Angelo said taking a bite of his breakfast

"I am?" I asked surprised

"Yup" Ricardo said

"What work?" I asked drinking the coffee and savouring the taste

"We are going to do some digging, cleaning and killing" Jimmy said and I almost spit out the coffee and he laughed

"Just kidding kiddo we're going to find out some info on the Empires Don Crete than some other stuff" he continued

"Oh okay" I said Angelo finished his breakfast, grabbed his keys and jacket.

"Now let's go" he said and waited for everyone to follow always in a hurry as I drowned my coffee

"Gosh at least let me drink my coffee like a lady" I said and they all looked at me but continued walking out the door.

Angelo and I got in the back of the black BMW I still remembered all too well as Ricardo got in the driver seat and I looked as Jimmy, Allisio and Conrad got in the one at the back as we drove to where ever it was we were going.

It was weird seeing as I never knew where we were going but I looked outside and saw it was my old neighbourhood.

"What are we doing here?" I asked and we came to a stop in front of my apartment

"Well you probably have something you wanted to get so let's go" Angelo said and we got out the car. How could he possibly know I wanted stuff here but I got out my keys and turned the knob?

Everything was just as the way I left it and I walked to my room

"You lived here?" Angelo asked picking up an old photo frame of me and Sam where we were at one of her crazy parties, she had a weird hat on and I had big glasses on and we were smiling like idiots. Showing it to me when I walked up to him taking it from his hands and putting it down again.

"Still live and yes if you have a problem with than- It's your problem" I said and walked back with my duffle bag

"No problem it's just so small" he replied and looked at the photos hanging on the wall. I walked back to him looking up

"There is nothing wrong with my apartment as a matter of fact I still live here you know, well not that much but I still like it" I said and he pointed to the one photo next to him I looked at it and smiled

"You were a cheerleader?" Angelo asked surprised

"Don't be so surprised you don't know everything about me" I said and walked to the other room picking up some books and I saw a file sticking out from under a few books I had. I didn't know what it was as I never saw this in my life.

I opened it and what I saw shocked me to the curb. My mother when she was still alive with me playing in the park. But I don't remember of anyone taking pictures at the back there was a black Mercedes the next one was my mom talking to Jim and the black Mercedes also in the back I looked again through all the pictures then there was of me when I was working, shopping at the gym and one where me and Angelo was eating at the diner before I got kidnapped the rest was mostly of me with Angelo.

I couldn't look anymore there were too many, this is my life and someone was following me I really was in danger.

"Santoro are you done?" Angelo ask coming up behind me I turned around with the file in my hands Angelo took it and went through it

"That is my whole life in that file Angelo someone has been following me" I said and looked at the file he pulled out an envelope at the back I didn't even notice but he opened it. His eyes scanned the words and looked at me.

"We have a huge problem" he said and took my duffle bag

"We have to go" he said again closing the file and taking my hand rushing out to the car

"Angelo what is wrong what does the file say?" I asked him but he stayed quiet. We made it to the car and I saw Jimmy and them coming from around the corner.

"We have a problem Ricardo we need to go to the hotel" he said to him and we drove to the hotel. Angelo got out his phone and dialled someone

"Jimmy go to Marco and tell him to check out the stock" he said but I couldn't hear what Jim replied back and Angelo closed the phone. He looked at me

"Santoro if you know anything more about Empires Don Crete of anything on your father you have to tell me" Angelo said and my face drowned of colour and my mouth went dry. How did he know? What could that file possibly say?

"Angelo I-"but I couldn't form any words I just looked at him

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