Chapter 24

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I knocked on the door and opened it Angelo was standing at the window looking out he knew I was there but didn't look at me.

"What the hell is your problem?" I half yelled but he didn't say anything

"I'm talking to you" I said angrily this time

"I'm not death Miss Santoro" he said still not looking at me

"Then why did you just walk out while we were eating you know how long Jim has spent just to prepare that meal?" I asked pointing my finger down stairs just then he looked at me

"Miss Santoro I don't have time for tea parties now I have better things to worry about" he said wanting to walk out the door but I stood my ground in front of the door placing my hands in front of him

"Get out of the way" he said in a deadly tone but I didn't move I looked up at him

He just looked at me not expecting me to talk back at him so I took that as my chance

"You are treating everyone here like shit with your fucking mood swings; Jim came to me today and asked if I could help him cook. You know why? Because he wanted to impress you he said that he couldn't stand by and see how you can look after them so he wanted to do something nice for a change for you to see you lighten up. But all you did was nothing, you couldn't even compliment the food, you couldn't even give him a fucking thank you" I said breathing heavily I was so angry that I couldn't even think but Angelo was staring at me in a way I couldn't understand

"I did not fucking ask anyone for something in return so maybe you should have just fucking left everything as is instead of making everything difficult for everyone and stop trying to do stuff" he yelled in my face but I didn't let that get to me but it actually did

"Just for once in your life say thank you to the men who has your back every time you leave the house and stop thinking about yourself" I said softly as tears threaten to spill and turned around walking out the door I walked back to the kitchen and started cleaning the plates off.

Jim came up to me and I looked at him with teary eyes what Angelo said actually got to me. Maybe I should just stay out of everyone's business instead of trying to fix something that is already broken

"I'm sorry kiddo he isn't always like this" he said and gave me a bear hug

"You don't have to be sorry" I said my smile failing and threw the napkin on the counter

"Thank you for what you said to him" he said and I looked at him

"You heard that?" I asked surprised

"Yeah well you were yelling so hard we could hear you even outside" he laughed I gave him a smile and he kissed me on the forehead.

I just smiled at him not knowing what to say as he smiled at me walking out of the kitchen

I cleaned every single plate and the kitchen was spotless now I just wanted to get some air. I walked out and sat on the swinging chair.

Just then a hand clasped around my mouth and I wanted to scream but it was muffled. I trashed around like a maniac and the person pushed me against the wall still holding my mouth in place I didn't know who he was.

"Where is my documentation" he asked and I was speechless what is it with the people and the documentation and always fucking capturing me and asking me the same question?

I couldn't say anything because his hand was still covering my mouth, so words came out muffled.

"Tell me or I will kill you" he said and pulled out a knife my eyes got big and I shake my head left to right I looked at the knife and I was scared shitless.

He let go of my mouth but not me that was a big mistake buddy.

"HELP" I yelled as his hands came to my mouth again

"You fucking whore" He pointed at my throat and pressed a little too hard drawing a little blood and tears filled my vision.

I didn't want to die tonight so I did what I always would do in a situation like this I forgot about the knife closed my eyes and kneed him in his goons. He let go of me and I took that as my cue to run

"SOMEONE, HELP" I yelled again and the guy grabbed me again now holding a gun against my head, covering my mouth again.

"Do you want to die?" the guy yelled and just then I saw Angelo running towards the door with the guys following on cue

"Stay where you are" the guy said to Angelo and they stood still holding their hands up in surrender when they saw the gun pointed at my head.

"Just let her go man" Jim said walking a little closer

"I said stay where you are" the guy yelled again and Jim stood in his place

"Okay" He said

"What do you want?" Angelo asked in a deadly tone

"I want the documentation or she dies I know everything" the guy said pointing the gun harder at my head did you have to point that thing so hard but it didn't help me in this situation I needed to do something even though I had a gun pointed at my head. I really didn't want to die tonight and not by the hand of a total stranger.

"The documentation is destroyed so you have nothing to lose here let her go" Angelo said and that made me look at him

"Stop talking shit and give me those papers" he yelled in my ear. Geez dude I'm right next to you

"Just let her go" Jim said looking at me

An idea sprang to my head and I smiled at Angelo he looked at me weirdly not understanding what was going on

"For my own safety Angelo you don't even have the documentation" I looked at Ricardo

"Because I have it" I lied and the guy next to me looked at me

"Don't be foolish Santoro" Angelo said and the guy looked at him again.

"Who has the documentation?" the guy yelled still looking at Angelo and Ricardo looked at me I mouthed him the word 'go' and he nodded

"I have the documentation if you let me go then I can get it" I said and the guy looked at me I saw in the corner of my eye Ricardo slipped away and I smiled to the man

"Santoro stop this now you're playing with fire" Angelo yelled.

"Shut the up fucking both of you and tell me or I will kill her" he yelled his finger half pulling the trigger

Shit Ricardo where are you? Just as that thought left my brain a shot got fired the guy's hands on me loosened and I lost my balance falling to the floor. I looked up and smiled but looked next to me as the guy was lying on the floor.

"You got him" I yelled to Ricardo and he came out from the corner. Angelo and they looked at him with surprised faces.

"Luckily I understood what you meant" Ricardo said again and came to my side they helped me up just then I felt really dizzy and sick

"Fuck Scarlet I'm sorry" Ricardo said but I didn't understand what he was talking about

"What are you talking about?" I asked and then felt my arm getting numb as I got sweaty I looked down and saw he shot my arm the same one with the stiches. Ricardo held me steady for a moment and looked at my arm

"You have a death wish don't you?" Angelo asked me and I smiled

"Yeah but I'm really mad at the moment" I said honestly

"Why is that?" Jim asked me

"Because Ricardo fucking shot me in the same arm" I said and passed out.

Dum dum dum
He shot her hahaha That was fun.......

Keep on reading and enjoy
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