Mistletoe or the twelve kisses of Christmas

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Sam is tired of Dean being so fucking blind. Sam can't help it, as a younger brother he is used to put up with his big brother's bullshit and it's been a long time since he had tried to put some sense into that bonehead of his, that perpetual macho pose is no longer funny.

But Sam is currently convinced that Dean is not blind, he is just denying his true self.

He's been looking up to Dean since he can remember and has always respected his decisions so at a point he had decided to let him be. "You wanna go through your life giving the impression that you're a Flintstone family member, Dean? Well, that's fine by me, but don't expect me to follow your lead and I hope you respect my decisions as I respect yours" he told his older brother one day after they had an argument because Sam had tried to make Dean accept the fact that he liked his classmate, his male classmate.

"Yeah, whatever, Bitch. I'm off to my date with Rhonda and, man, that's a lead you should consider follow" Dean motions his hands in front of his chest, mimicking a pair of big boobs. Hurrying to the front door to avoid a book that his baby brother throws at him.

Sam is left by himself in their apartment thinking everything through once again. He's not gonna let it go that easily. He's not sure whether Dean realizes or not but every time he thinks nobody is watching he looks at Castiel with honey eyes, but there's no way of making him come to terms with it. Sam's going to drop it, for a while.

Sam is split when it comes to Dean and Cas; on one hand he doesn't want to push his brother any further or get ready to face his wrath, on the other hand it's Castiel, his best friend, who's been so stupidly in love with Dean since they first met at middle school, ten years ago, that even Sam had noticed. But Sam knows Castiel is not gonna make a move because Dean is straight, or so they think.

And they both think like that up to about six months ago when all of a sudden Dean came to sit with them at their coffee table, hand in hand with a guy called Benny. "Okay, close your mouths and get over it, dudes! I'm not gay, I just like both sides" he says winking at Benny and shrugging to the rest.

Dean's smirk falters. Cas is speechless, his eyes speaking volumes of something Dean cannot decipher yet. Benny's hand presses into his shoulder and attracts Dean's attention, only distracted again by Sammy's huff "It's called being bisexual, Dean" he says rolling his eyes at his brother.

"Yeah, well, I don't know about labels, dude. I just know Benny's awesome" Dean says leaning over to kiss the bearded mountain of a guy on the cheek.

Benny turned out to be less awesome than predicted because two months later he's out of the picture for good. Castiel was there to support Dean during the break up but never taking advantage of his friend's vulnerability.

It's Christmas time and Sam's brain is asking for a break, school is kinda easy but he's having a hard time putting up with his brother. Around this time of the year, the older Winchester usually goes crazy cleaning the house and taking endless trips to the supermarket for season supplies.

It's during one of those last minute trips that they go to buy some presents and Sam smiles secretly when he sees Dean having a hard time choosing a present for Castiel.

"Dean, I'm tired and I already got all my present in the bag, I'm heading home now" Sam says already heading out of the store where Dean is trying to decide if he's gonna get the guy clothes or something more fun. Why on earth did he wait until last minute?

On the way home Sam actually stops at a Christmas stuff shop and buys the means of his plan. Christmas is only a few days away and hell if he's not gonna make it work. Once at home he calls Cas.

"Hey Cas!" Sam sits on the couch and opens a soda, "My brother has a crush on you" subtlety is no friend of Sam Winchester.

Castiel begins his usual complaining, "What?" Cas answers confused at the greeting, "No, Sam. He looks at me as your best friend. As if I was another brother, please don't do this."

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