Easter (Bun)ny

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"MOM! But MOM!. MOM.MOM.MOM!" Jumping up and down, the kid whined with his tiny hand grabbing the woman's skirt and threatening to bring it down.

"Yeah, baby?" The woman calmly asks with her motherly patience at its best.

"I asked the Easter Bunny to bring me the Batman costume. Will he bring me the Batman costume? I want the Batman costume! Mommy! Mommy! MOM!!!"

"No, baby. The Easter Bunny brings chocolate eggs and we search for painted eggs, he doesn't bring costumes."

"But MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! I want the costume!" He pouts and taps his foot.

"Well, then you'll have to ask Santa for it or wait till your birthday, okay?"

The kid seems to think for a second while his mom grabs some veggies, which he automatically makes the decision not to eat. "Okay, I'll ask Santa. He's cool and will bring me one"

"SEEEEEE? SEEEEEEE? Little kids top babies ANY time! And besides, there's a better chance to adopt a three or four year old toddler, almost everyone else prefer babies to kids. That sucks!" Sam laughs trying to make a point but shutting himself up when Gabriel stops walking and he has to spin around to see why.

Gabriel is standing, arms crossed over his chest and a very serious look. "NO. I don't want anyone's baby. I want our own!"

Sam makes a conscious effort to stop himself from rolling his eyes, "We've talked about it to exhaustion, Gabe. That would mean we'd have to find a donor and a surrogate and I don't think any of our friends will do it so we're basically screwed" Sam steps forward and cradles his husband face in his hands, "Look, Gabe, if you can find a surrogate, I could convince Jo to be the donor or maybe you could get Anna to do it or we could just go for an anonymous donor. I'm not saying there's no chance but if there isn't a way to make it work the way you want, I still want to have kids and even if it is possible, I still want to adopt in the future, got it?"

He had given this a lot of thinking over the years, when his affair with Gabe became obviously much more than an affair. You see, Sam has always looked up to Dean as a parental figure and is desperate to pass the torch, he wants to be good to a kid just as Dean has always been to him.

Gabriel blinks twice, looking up to his husband with a bit of sorrow in his eyes, "I know, Samm-oh, I know. I'm sorry I'm a persistent bitch, it's just that I look at you and I can't help to picture a baby of our own with your gorgeous eyes and our perfect hair and freckles"

Sam gives him a confused look, "Freckles? What freckles? I don't have freckles."

"I know, but it runs in your family and it's pretty" Gabe smiles at him, and the mood lightens.

"Err, Gabe... are you saying my brother is pretty ?" He laughs.

"Don't tell him... it would make him immune to my future mocking," Gabe pleases, and then he turns serious again, "You know I want a baby so badly."

Sam sighs and nods, "I know, baby, I know."

It's well known that when life gives you lemons, you should make some lemonade, but what if you want to drink a shot of tequila? Well, lemons come handy anyway.

Gabriel talks to Anna and she happily accepts to give them some of her eggs, it didn't even take convincing her. He just asked and she went all happy face, hugged him and said, "Of course I'll do it! I'll be happy to help you guys!"

Now the hardest part. He has to find a surrogate, a fertile woman willing to give her body to help them have a baby and get nothing but praise and love in return because paying for it is against the law. Of course the medical bills, clothing, and presents are okay, also probably an apt for the pregnancy time but that's pretty much it. They had done some research in the area, checked with some agencies but all their effort proved to be pointless. No compatible surrogate in the area.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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