375 days later

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375 days since the proposal.

375 problems and setbacks.

All in all the wedding planning was mess after mess, Dean tried to convince Gabe to hire a wedding planner but he refused, stating that it wastheir wedding and that it'll all would be alright if they kept the preparations within family and friends, he even got one of their friends to take the online minister course to perform the wedding because they got tired of ministers that kept resigning and one of them had even the nerve to drop dead. Everybody was on board... Even Murphy and his fucking law.

At a point Sam was in a perpetual panic mode. One night when coming from a date with Cas, Dean found him on his knees at the foot of his bed apparently praying to God. He was convinced that there was a holy plot against his happiness. In only two weeks Sam and Gabe had had to deal with a stupid caterer that kept messing with their orders, another one that got shut down due to salmonella, florists with weird allergies and another one going out of business, alarming forecasting announcements for the time of the wedding, best men with the flu three days before the original wedding date but since the venue was canceled that was no big harm.

So, of course, Sam was distressed. There are times he even thinks this is not gonna happen because, come on, who gets so much crap on the way preventing him from getting what he wants the most?

There's a week end when he convinces Gabe to take the car and elope but when they arrived to Vegas they could not find a church that could get them married because there was some complication in the City database and no marriage certificate could be completed that day. On the trip home, Sam tried to convince his boyfriend to just go to court and get fucking married already. He regrets even bring it up the second Gabriel starts to cry and shout at the windshield and take a tantrum because, dammit, he may have agreed to try Vegas but he will not, under any circumstances, get married in the courthouse... good thing is that it was Sam's turn to drive so he pulls aside and stops. Gabe looks at him questioningly, sobbing with his arms crossed in front, pouting. His face softens at the sight of Sam's smile and his big hands cupping his face, Gabe's eyes shiny with tears recover their natural whiskey color as he smiles back to his moose. Sam closes the distance on the front seat and kisses his fiancé to calmness and assures him that everything's gonna be alright... he's gonna make sure of it.

That's how the few weeks prior the wedding go by. If you'd asked Dean it is a miracle that the day has finally arrived even when it's the worst wedding date ever, December 31st. When Castiel call Gabe's attention to odd of the date, his older brother begun to weep because it was the only damned date available so he fucking took it, everything else was already booked either six months before of just by the couples online who were faster in putting their credit card in motion, a couple days earlier he had succeeded to book a better date but the place got closed down because of flooded basements or broken windows due to heavy snow storms. So yes, they were gonna get married that freaking day no matter what.

So wedding day it is. So far everything has gone smoothly but Sam won't stay calm, so many things have happened that all he can do is worry.

Sam looks at his sleeves and sighs remembering the original tux that was perfect tailored to his giant body, expensive and beautiful... until the laundry service dry cleaned it and now it fits Gabe. The second one was not tailored because they didn't have neither the time nor the money, so he just went to a store and got a black one but the one he got delivered a '80s prom light blue tux and when they went to return it they refused to take it because of the fitting. They shouted and cursed but to no avail until they told them they'd give the worst review ever on their site, only then they got their money back. They went to a different store and got the first tux that would fit Sam. It was a bit loose but it'd have to do, he would have to use a tighter belt.

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