Chapter One

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Scarlett opened her eyes, squinting into the bright light of the sun, hearing the birds chirping outside her window. She smiled at the beauty of waking up like this, washed in sunlight and the birds singing you good morning pleasuring your ears. Then her smile widened as she realised what had happened.

Yes, she thought, silently thanking her moods swings for the first time in a week, brushing pale pink hair out of her face. Mood swings sucked most of the time but today they were acting normal.

Let's just hope they stay that way.

Scarlett jumped out of bed, looking at the clock on her bedside table, realizing she was going to be late to school.

Damn, she thought, I must have overslept, no wonder I'm so happy.

She pulled on her long black jumper, even though it was summer, to cover the remains of last night. No one needed to know that happened.

She then put on her baggy ripped jeans before tying her purple hair into a ponytail, pulling the pink ombré over her shoulder.

Deciding she didn't have time for make-up, she rushed down stairs, grabbing her water bottle and rushed out the door, purposely leaving behind the apple that was left out for her.


"Okay, yes I understand. I see her; I'm on the trail now. Thank you and goodbye." The young man lightly said and dropped the call. He looked up at the daybreak, smirked and slipped his flip phone back in his pockets. Well, this is going to be easy. He thought to himself as he hid in the dark alley, silent and waiting as if he's a predator about to catch its prey.

To be fair, the way things are right now, this person is nothing but a mere sick girl and he is ready to get her back to where she belongs to, which is in jail. He took another peek at her from the walls and saw that she started to move, he should too, if he doesn't want to lose track of her.

How could a teenager like her not be caught by anyone yet? He egoistically thought to himself as he silently followed her. He made sure, of course to cover his face just in case he'd fail at chasing her. Then she wouldn't know who he was the next time they'd meet.

He scrutinized her appearance, she looks like a girl who is around his age. With long blue braids that he found stupid of her to have considering she has been on the run for a long while now and he'd thought she's maybe try to blend in with the shadows more than just go ahead and stick out like a sore thumb. She was also wearing a blue oversized shirt along with jeans. He would've found her looks quite appealing, if only she wasn't a murderer.

He observed the way she moved and found it quite peculiar. She moved as if she didn't have a care in the world. She moved as if she wasn't guilty. She moved as if there weren't any blood on her hands, as if she believes she's innocent.

Another psychopath, I see. The young man concluded seeing as there isn't any other answer possible as to why she moves so easygoing considering the fact that there are plenty of people after her.

As he silently stalked her, he realized her doing some weird actions. He chuckled to himself, a smart girl. She's looking over her shoulder and is going to different alleyways to make sure no one follows her. Too bad the youthful heir knows this place a little too damn well.

Minutes into the stalking and the young pursuer realized a slight change in her movements, was it possible he'd been found out? No, impossible. He perished the thought and also intensified his movements, making sure he's more silent and careful this time. He chuckled silently as he saw her looking over her shoulder from time to time. She is smart, and I'll give her that, he thought to himself and continued to follow his prey with the braided blue hair.

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