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⚠️warning attempt to cut herself so don't read if your not comfortable⚠️

October 8th 2013
San Francisco, California
Zoë's POV

"Why are you even in this world you ugly bastard?!" Brittnee , the schools most popular girl said.
"Just answer me already!!" She yelled as she kicked me.
I had tears running down my face as she laughed. Everyone thinks she's the school sweetheart but she's not she's the school bitch.
Braylon was talking to her yesterday and she's trying to steel him from me.

At the corner of my eye I saw Braylon with is other friends laughing. How can he laugh when his best friend is being bullied. Do I mean nothing to him? Probably.

I got interrupted by Brittnee punching me and that's when I burst into tears and I wanted to fight back but I couldn't without him by my side.
"Aww is the baby crying?" She said laughing.
"Guys look the baby is crying like she always did." She yelled to show everybody. Braylon looked over with a smile but it turned to confusion. I got up and got in front of her.
"What?" She said disgusted.
"Just go kill yourself already!" She said.
"Maybe I will so I won't be in this un-perfect world." I said as I ran home.

Braylon's POV

When I heard what Brittnee said I laughed but then I frowned when I saw Zoë being picked on.

"What?" Brittnee said to Zoë disgusted.
"Just go kill yourself!" Brittnee said. I was about to go up and helped her but what she said was what broke me down.
"Maybe I will so I won't be in this un- perfect world." She said as she ran away.

I ran over to Brittnee.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled to her.
"What i did was what I was supposed to do. She deserved it." She said.
"How did she deserve it she did nothing to you. She's probably at home get-" I cut myself off. She better not be doing what I think she is doing.

I ran to Zoë's house immediately.
When I got there I ran inside without knocking. I ran upstairs to her room but she wasn't there but her bathroom door was closed. I went up to the door and I put my ear up to it and listened.

"I'm sorry for not talking to you, I was to busy telling my self that I'm not beautiful.
I'm sorry for not looking at you, I was looking at my flaws.
I'm sorry for not respecting you, I can't respect myself I can't respect you.
I'm sorry for not liking you I just can like myself.
Now these cuts are worth everything.
Useless-" I cut her off.
"NOOO STOP DON'T DO IT!!!" I yelled as I banged my fist on the door. I tried to turn the knob but it was no use.
I got up on my tippy toes and got the keys to the door. I got it and put it in the key hole. I opened the door and ran towards her. I grabbed the blade and threw it. I bent down to my knees and cupped her face.
"Please don't do this to yourself." I said as I wiped away her tears.
"I don't want to be here." She said as she cried. I got up and got the first aid kit and grabbed her wrist and started to clean it off.
"Now I'm going to help okay we'll get through this together okay?" I said as she nodded.

I hugged her and picked her up and set her on the bed and was about to go but she stopped me and said, "please stay."
"Okay" I said as I got in bed with her and cuddle up to her.
"This is what friends are for." She said as her was on my chest.
"Ya." I said as I wanted her to say. "This is why your my boyfriend." But that will never happen.

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