Chapter 5

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Cassie's POV

There laying in front of my own eyes was my big brother.His eyes were open and there was a hole in his forehead with blood coming from it.

I closed my eyes and turned my head out of disgust.So that's what the gun shot was.The tears started to fall down my face even faster.

He's gone.

He promised to never leave me.He said he'd stay with me.He was my brother.He was my best friend.He was there when no one else was there for me.He helped me through my depression when our mom died.He saved me from our father.He took me into a home when I had nowhere else to go.He was there when I had nightmares about that bastard.He was there to cuddle with me when I needed it.He was all the family I had.Now I'm all alone.There's no one here for anymore.I love you Chres.You won't be forgotten.

"Aw baby.Don't cry."the man said who tied me up said as he tried to rub my cheek.I flinced back.

"Don't fucking touch me!"I spat with venom in my voice.

"Ooh fiesty.I like'em fiesty baby."I could feel the smirk on his face.

"I'm not your baby."I said,my voice cracking.

He ignored my comment and tried to get me to stand up.I kicked him and he winced before slapping me across the face really hard.

Deja vu much?I mean seriously!Does my face look like a

fucking punching bag!?

I layed out on the floor as the room got quiet.All you could here were my constant sobs.Until he spoke again.

"Now be a big girl and let's leave without a scene and you won't end up like your brother."he said through his teeth.

I didn't say anything.He grew aggrivated and yanked my hair back,causing me to forcefully look at him and whimper in pain.

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!"he yelled.

I spat on his face.That really seemed to piss him off.He started to slap me over and over.Hmmm where has this happened before?(Note the sarcasm)When he was done,I fell to the floor crying.My face burned like hell.


Again I did't answer him.He repeatedly kicked my stomach causing me to scream out in pain.I looked over at my bed and noticed that the other guy wasn't in the room anymore.I heard a door opening.I was in to much pain to see who had came in.Suddely,the kicking stopped after a gun shot went off.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked over on the ground.The guy lay in a puddle of his own blood.Well I'm guessing it's his blood.

Wait.He's dead?But how?I looked up and was met with the guy from earlier.But this time,I could see his face more due to the little light coming from my now open window.When did those open?

The guy knelt in front of me and touched my cheek.I whimpered and he mumbled a quick 'sorry' before cutting the rope off my arms with a knife that he pulled out his pocket.He then put it back and helped me stand up.As soon as I was on my feet,he hugged me tight,causing me to whimper in pain.He immediately let me go and apologized.I nodded and slid down the wall,bringing my knees up to my chest and started to silently sob.My stomach was killing me!

"Cassie don't cry,"the guy spoke.His voice was so...familiar.I looked up at him and gasped at what I saw.Or should I say who.

In front of me stood my very own brother,Chresento.


I didn't wanna end it here,but you guys know that I'm a b**ch when it comes to suspenseful monents like this(hehe that rhymes)Sorry if it sucks.If you don't like it then oh well fuq you and I hate you.For all of you who appreciate my work,I hate you all,too.Hehe no I'm kidding:3.Spread the peace & Keep smiling.Peace out!✌

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