Chapter 9

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Cassie's POV

I crossed my arms over my chest as we drove silently down the street.I could sometimes catch Brandon steal a glance from me,but ignored him.

I'm so frustrated with him right now!

I could have been at home in my comfortable little bed by now!I missed Oprah because of him!Wait....I don't watch Oprah.Well I missed something.Brandon coughed awkardly and turned on the radio to release the tension in the air.

It's our party we can do what we want

It's our party we can s---


"What?"Brandon said with no emotion in his voice.


He shrugged."Simple.I don't like her.She's changed.She's not that sweet,fine,innocent little girl that she used to be.She's trying too hard for people to notice her."

I stared at him for a while."You don't know her.You have no idea what she goes through.She could be diagnosed with something.We don't know.We have no clue what happens behind her closed doors.You can't just judge people on their apperances.You may think you know her,but the only person who knows the real Miley Cyrus,is Miley herself so before you start to judge,think."I breathed out all in one breath.

Brandon was quiet for a while."You're so weird."

I gasped and put a hand over my heart."Thank you."

Our laughter filled the air as the tension in the air between us was lifted."You're truly something else,Cassie."

"That's why you love me though."I flipped a piece of my chocolate brown hair over my shoulder dramatically.

He sighed,sarcastically."I guess so."

I smiled as Brandon turned back on the radio.

And that was the new one by Miley Cyrus called 'We Can't Stop'.And now here's a new one that is officially one of the best songs ever,hint hint for all you lovely ladies out there.

I smiled as Brandon's eyes widened."Shit."

Maybe it's the way she walks!


Straight into my heart and stole it!

Through the doors and past the guards.


Brandon groaned and hit his head on the steering wheel as I sung along to the song."This is gonna be one long night."Brandon muttered.


Short I know but please don't hate me.I mean even if you did I would't give a fudge.Yea that's right.I said FUDGE!!!!!!Well I'm out.Spread the peace & Keep smiling.Peace out!✌

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