Chapter 3

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Cassie's POV

"Really?"Chres asked.

"Yes really."

"And throughout the whole time,you never once thought of dropping that cup?"

I rolled my eyes."Of course I didn't.I paid my hard earned money for it so why would I?"(A/N:I feel the same way.When people get scared or something,they drop all of their foods,drinks,etc.If it were me,I'd just run,not dropping anything.Ok continue.)

He thought about it."True true."

" Did you get a look at the guys face?"

"No.I was too busy tryna save my ass."

He chuckled."It's a good thing you didn't trip.If that guy was a rapist,you'd be in a heap load of bullshit."

"Chres this is serious."I frowned."I was really scared.

"Ok ok.How about I drop you off and pick you up tomorrow?"

I smiled."Yeah that'd be great."



Chres's phone vibrated in his back pocket signalling that he has a text.He unlocked his phone and checked it.I felt him tense up before he locked his phone back in his pocket and stood up.

"Cas do me a favor?"


"Go up to your room and don't come out at all.Do you understand?"he said seriously.

"What?Why?Is everything ok?"I asked,standing up.

"It's nothing.Just do what I say."

"No.Not until you tell me what's going on."I said stubbornly,crossing my hands over my chest.

He sighed before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.I kicked and pounded on his back,which affected him in no way at all.He walked up the stairs and walked into my room,sitting me down on the bed.He walked over to the open door and grabbed the handle,ready to close it before he spoke.

"Stay here.No matter what happens or what you hear,do NOT.OPEN.THIS.DOOR.Do you understand?"

I slowly nodded my head,confused as to why he's acting so strange.

"Good.Now no matter what happens,know that I love you okay?"

"I love you,too,but Chres,tell me what's going on.You're scaring me."I frowned.

He sighed."I wish I could Cas,but I can't.I'm soo sorry,but I have to go.I love you."

And with that,he closed the door,locking it on the outside.I was beyond confused.What's up with him?


Sorry if it's a little too short.What's up with Chres?Hmmm....Well anyways.Spread the peace & Keep smiling.Peace out!✌

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