Chapter 10

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Cassie's POV

We pulled up in front of my house and I got out and walked around to Brandon's side.

"I had a great time,Cassie."

"We went to our boss's house and came back."I raised an eyebrow at him.

He smirked."I'll take it."

He winked at me and I rolled my eyes.The old Brandon's back.

"Anyways.I'll see you at work tomorrow?"

"Maybe..."he trailed off.

I smiled and rolled my eyes playfully."Night Brandon."

Before he could speak the front door to the house opened,revealing a pissed Chris in a plain T-shirt and gym shorts.


I raised my eyebrow at him."Sorta busy here."

"Oh sorry.Leave Bradley."he said,pulling me towards the house by my wrist.

"It's Brandon."Brandon said,pure annoyance in his voice.

"Whatever."Chris mumbled as he slammed the door shut.

He released my wrist and walked over to the couch,lazily throwing himself on it.I burned a hole in the side of his head as he flipped through the TV.His gaze finally met mine and he turned his head back to the TV.

"What's wrong with you?"he asked,playfully.

"Why'd you do that?"

"Simple.I don't like him."

"You always say that."

He sighed."We aren't starting this again."

"Whatever floats your goat."I smirked.

He sent me a death stare and I laughed.Chris and Brandon don't exactlly see eye to eye.I don't know why,but Chris has hated Brandon from the time when we first met.


"Thanks for driving me,Brandon."

"No problem."

"You know you didn't have to walk me to the door,right?"

"I know.I wanted to."he smiled.

I smiled back.I reached in my pocket in search for my keys.I didn't feel them so I started to feel around for them.I frowned and turned to Brandon.

"What's wrong?"

As soon as I was about to answer him,the front door swung open.

"Cas...who's this?"Chris asked with no emotion.

"Oh.Chris,this is my co-worker,Brandon.Brandon,this is my older brother,Chris.Brandon was just giving me a ride home since SOMEONE forgot to pick me up tonight."I glared at Chris,who wa too busy doing the same to Brandon.

"Nice to meet you."Brandon held a hand out in an attempt to shake his hand.

Chris stared at his hand before looking him back in his eyes."I don't like you."And he swiftly slammed the door in his face after pulling me into the house.

*End of Flashback*

I mentally rolled my eyes at the thought of it and walked into the kitchen.I looked through the cabinets and then the fridge.


Okay there wasn't nothing.Obviously there was something.I was just too lazy to fix anything.I walked back in the living room and over to the couch where Chris was laid on his back.I walked over to him and sat on his stomach.

"Get your fat,lazy ass off me."he playfully glared.

I spread out so that my head was on his chest."I'm hungry."


I placed my chin on his chest to get a better look at him."Fix me something to eat?"

"Do it yourself,Cas.I'm not really in the mood."

Wow.Someone's on their man period.

"Please..."I pouted.

He sighed and rubbed his face with his hands.The pout always works."I don't feel like cooking.How about we order something?"he smiled.

I smiled back."Pizza?"

He shrugged."Don't care."

"Meat lovers?"


"You pay?"


"Haha.I'm kidding.I'll pitch in."

"Naw I'll pay.You save your money."

"All you ever do is pay for me.Where do you get all this money from?"

"None of your business."he snapped.

Here we go again.

Every time I ask Chris where he gets his money from,he'll say something like 'It doesn't matter' or 'None of your business'.It's getting pretty old.I got up and walked into my room.I took out my pajamas and headed into the shower.

Once out,I laid on my bed.I took my phone and put my earbuds in.'Wrecking Ball' by Miley Cyrus was playing.I honestly really like this song.(A/N:Ok I just have to put this out here.That song to me is so great.I'm not all that crazy about the music video,but I still love the song.Points for the new more weird Miley😜!)I closed my eyes as I listened to about 5 songs before I pulled off my earbuds.As soon as I did that,there was knock at my door and I mumbled a quick 'come in'.

"Pizza's down stairs."Chris! poked his head through my door.I smiled and he walked up."Oh and Cas."he stuck his head back into my door."Sorry for snapping at you."

I just nodded and followed him downstairs.


Soooo sorry I haven't updated in awhile and the updates are crap.I recently lost someone sorta close to me and it seems as he doesn't give two fucks so if that one person is reading this which I highly doubt,fuck you for ignoring me(^)(-_-)(^).Anyways....fuck the rest of you:).Might update again if I feel like it...or I may delete this ship because it seems so boring to me.I have a HUGE imagination but when writings involved,I doze off.I also wanna give a shoutout to the cutey pie at my school who tracked me down just to return my pencil to me;).Anyways....Spread the peace & Keep smiling.Peace out!✌

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