Chapter1: merida

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~•Merida's POV•~

I woke up this morning to the familiar sound of my brothers feet running on the wooden floors, right above my room. I always complained that their room being right above mine. who wouldn't? those wee devils are evil. they might be secret ones.

I take off my covers and lazily walk to my closet. I yawned, taking out my favorite green dress. After I put it on I didn't bother with my hair, I just went down for breakfast.

"Merida!" my dad roared from the table, "good morning my little bear hunter!"

"Hey dad." I smile a little and sit at the table.

It's been a year since I help rescue my mom (and my brothers) from the curse the witch gave me. ever since then my dad has been calling me his 'little bear hunter'... but I admit, it always made me reminded me of how I felt when my mum's arms wrapped around me when I thought she was going to be a bear forever. I felt warmth.

Like a summer heat.

"What's for breakfast?" I look at my dad with anxious eyes. I didn't eat dinner last night so I was starving,

"Eggs and pastries!" my mum walked out with a huge plate of raspberry filled pastries and a bowl of scrambled eggs for each member of the family.

"Hey mum." I grab a bowl of scrambled eggs and a pastry. "Good morning." I say while stuffing a pastries in my mouth.

She smiles and shakes her head. "you should still have manners even though I laid off of those rules merida."

I nod and rolled my eyes, I've heard this all before.

My mum continued with her speech as I watch my dad munch down on twelve pastries.

I eat my eggs then look at my mum.

"Already finished?" she stops preaching about manners then looks at my empty plate.

"Yes. it was delicious I'm gonna go now by mum." I speak quickly and kissed her cheek. "bye dad." I made a dash for the door but I got stopped by my mother.

"Wait merida! where are you going?" she stood up from her chair.

"Where do you think I'm going? the woods!" I reply, spinning around and looking at her impatiently.

"But merida darling I thought that-"

"Let her go hun" my dad cut in.

They exchanged looks for a moment then mum responds by saying. "fine, but come back by noon time."

I nod and continue dashing out the castle doors and to the stables to get my horse.

I straddled myself in then dashed out of the kingdom gates. the wind blowing in my curly red hair.

This fresh air always made me relax and feel free.

I took out my bow and shot my arrows at all the targets, not missing any bulleyes.

I grinned happily and continued riding.


I rode for awhile. it wasn't noon time yet. I still had a lot of time.

So I was still on my horse, riding on many different paths.

All of a sudden my horse tripped on something and a flew forward, hitting my head on a rock, hard. my vision was blurry. I saw a blur of my horse walking toward me.

He neighed and clopped at the ground. he sniffed my head and nuzzled at it to see if I would move. but I couldn't move. my body wouldn't respond.

"" I try to get out but before I could respond I blacked out.


When I woke up, my horse was by anywhere in sight, but I was in the spot as before.

I saw the moon. "crap..." I muttered. mum is probably worried about me.

I ran as fast as I could to the kingdom gates. they were still open a crack so I slipped in and made my way to the castle.

I walked in to see my mum and dad sitting in the throne room with some council members.

"We couldn't find her anywhere..." said one man.

"But we saw her horse." said another.

"I'm right here!" I ran up to them but they didn't notice. ""

"Send out another search party!'' my dad blurted out. he buried his face into his hands.

"Dad, quit fooling around." I went to touch his shoulder but my hand went right through his shoulder. "d-dad?"

The two council men nodded and ran out of the room.

"Mom?" I tried to hold her hand but it went right through. I step back as tears poured down my face.

"Guys this isn't funny! stop messing around!" I shouted, hoping that they would respond. "mum! dad! anyone..." I shook my head and ran out of the castle crying. "what's happening!?"

I fall to my knees after I got outside. "is there anyone who can hear me?..."

I looked up at the moon. "well you can't talk to me you seem to be the only one looking at me, man in the moon." I sniff. "but we all know that you are just craters!" I shouted.

But something happened. the moon blinked a couple times. and for some reason I could understand it. this doesn't usually happen.


It said guardian... what was that supposed to mean?...

I thought for a bit until a red cloth snatched me and brought below the earths surface.



Hello everyone ^_^ this is a new series I'm making. just for the "rise of the brave tangled dragons"

Ill be doing a chapter for rapunzel, hiccup and jack soon.

If you read this. THANK YOU



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