Chapter 2

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Here's chapter two. The next 4 chapters will also be updated really soon :)

Chapter 2

The rest of the night was a blur, all I could remember was the movement of a car beneath me and strong arms around me as I lay on my bed.

I awoke the next day with something heavy pressed against me. I opened my eyes wearily to see Lewis lying next to me with his leg and arm crushing me to death. I then realised why he was with me and started to cry as the realisation of never seeing my mum, dad or brother again, hit me.

The noise from my sobs awoke Lewis and he started stroking my hair soothingly, cooing at me softly that everything would be alright. But that only made me cry harder as it never would be okay. I had no-one left in my life to love or who loved me back. The feeling of loneliness engulfed me as I blacked out.

I stirred as I felt something cool being pressed against my head. I opened my eyes to see Lewis standing above me, a worried expression on his face.

"Adonia? Are you ok?"

I squeezed my eyes tightly shut for a second before I gave him a small nod. I sat up taking the cold towel from my head and a wave of dizziness washed over me almost causing me to fall of the bed. Luckily Lewis steadied me.

"Are you sure?" he asked still looking as if he thought I might need a doctor.

"Yes I'm fine, honestly." I added when he still wasn't looking so sure. I stood up and went to the kitchen to get a drink. I slumped on the kitchen stool. Lewis followed me in.

"So what now?" I asked him sadly.

"Well the police have allowed you to stay with me for a few weeks while the news sinks in." He answered me sadly while brushing a stand of hair from my face and tucking it behind my ear. "If that's what you want." he then added.

You mean a few weeks till they can find me a care home.

"yes ok, thank you I'd love to but I don't want to cause you trouble." I answered instead knowing lewis was just being nice.

"Of course it's no trouble Adonia, it's about time I lived in my own house anyway." He said with a small smirk.

When he said my name it sent tingles up my body though I didn't have enough care in the world to think anything of it.

The next few days went by the same. On the Sunday I packed a few things to take over to lewis's, as his parents, who were very good friends with mine, had let me live in their spare room. I spent the rest of the days inside that room sat on my bed starring into space. His mother sarah often came in with food for me though I never touched it or spoke. So instead she would give me a peck on the cheek and stroke my back murmuring things like,

"It will be okay."

"You can stay here as long as you want"

"Your practically family." Before leaving me in peace. Lewis would also come and visit me, and knowing that I wouldn't speak would just sit in a chair watching me, sadness in his eyes.

It had been a week since I went to school and I wasn't even bothered about my grades becoming low. Who was I suppose to tell when I got an a+? Who was there to be proud of me?


There was a knock at my door and Lewis came in. I was sat on the bed and he came and sat next to me putting an arm around my shoulder and pulling me close. He wiped away tears from my cheek I didn't even know had fell, with his thumb as he rocked us back and forth. We sat there for a while just rocking in silence when finally he spoke.

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