Chapter 1

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Hello all!! This the story I had on Wattpad previously, although I have edited it so there should be less mistakes. :s I hope :) pleas read it and see what you think and if you like it please please vote. I really want to get this story and my other noticed. Thank you :) !!!! And if any one wants me to read one of their books just send me a private message and I will if I have time. Thanking you all:) :) :) !¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡

*****the character 'adonia' in this book has nothing to do with 'Adonnia' in 'once a princess' I just really like the name and wasn't sure if I was putting both stories on here. If you think I should change one of the names please just tell me, with a suggestion name and I will see. :) thanks *****

Chapter 1

I was sat snuggled up on the sofa watching a film, I was alone in the house and decided a scary film wouldn't be best as I would probably scare myself sh*tless.

My mum, and dad were out watching my brothers football match. He was one of the best on the team which meant he'd have a new girl to drool over him every week. I shuddered at the thought, he's such a player, along with his best friend Lewis who practically lived here. If they weren't with a girl they'd be teasing me and annoying me. Typical brother style, though they were both still very protective of me and they pretty much scarred all the boys that went near me away. Hypocritical or what? They waltz round every day with more than one girl at there feet and I'm not even allowed to be around a single boy. It's frustrating but I know they're just looking out for me, they're both two years older than me so they feel it's their duty.

Just as the two characters were about to kiss in the rom-com I was watching, the doorbell rang. Who the frig is that I thought as I paused the film and went to get the door.

As the door opened the cool night air breezed in and I shivered. Two men were at the door.

"Miss, I'm afraid we have some bad news." The tallest said looking sympathetic. "You need to come with us to the station."

My eyes went wide. They're police? And they want me to go to the station? My mind started whirling with what this was all about. What have I done? Is this about the time I ate a strawberry without paying when I was little? Have they finally caught me? I started to feel dizzy and the man looked concerned.

"Are you alright miss?" I shook the dizziness away and nodded. I got my coat from the hall and locked the front door following the police to their car.

After a few minutes I found my voice.

"What is this all about?" I asked timidly in a small voice.

"We will explain at the station miss." the other officer said looking at me sadly.

What the hell is going on, why is everyone looking so sad and why the he'll won't they tell me what's wrong. Throughout the drive to the police station I became more and more nervous, my stomach becoming a tighter and tighter knot.

Once we arrived I was led into a room with some comfy chairs along one wall facing a desk with a stern looking woman at it. The room was bland and I think the chairs were an attempt to make it look more comforting. The officer motioned for me to sit on a chair facing the desk and wall with the door on it that I entered through. The room was big and spacious almost like a waiting room.

At that moment a woman came through the door. She was quite small and had a kind face. She came over to me. My heart was pounding, what's this about? I stood up and shook hands with her, she gave me a warm but sad smile. She motioned for us to sit.

"I'm afraid we've got some bad news to tell you adonia." She said placing her hand on mine comfortingly.

"There has been a car crash and your family were in it."

I stared at her. Is this some kind of joke?

"A-are they o-k-Kay?" I stuttered out.

"I'm afraid they were killed on impact." she spoke softly to me as if to make the news more bearable. It felt as If someone had cut the knot in my stomach, ripping a whole out of it.

But all I could do was stare at the wall ahead of me as my mind zoned out. I couldn't cry I was in too much shock and I went off into my own world. I could faintly hear people saying my name in the background but they didn't matter, no-one did.

I was alone.

People were nudging me but I couldn't bring myself to respond.

"Shes going into shock." I heard the nice woman from before say, though it was muffled into the background. But I just sat there not caring.

It felt like hours had passed when I heard a commotion at the door. Then i heard a crystal clear voice. The voice was familiar, deep and sexy.

"Where's my girl? Where is she?" He shouted.

finally snapped out of the daze I was in and ran to Lewis arms, he picked me up and hugged me, cradling me against his chest as I buried my head and sobbed like there was no tomorrow.

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