Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

His lips crashed against mine as my head exploded with thousands of tingles spreading to every single corner of my body. Our lips fit perfectly together as if they were made to fit, the moment magical for the split second I had it.

Lewis pulled away.

"come on, I want to show you something." he said climbing out the car and coming around to my side. He opened my door and pulled me out by my hand shutting the door with his foot.

For the first time I looked at my surroundings. Car park? This was far from it. I glanced back at where we came from, it was a dirt track, well more like a path. I'd been so caught up in the conversation with Lewis that I didn't even take note of where we were going. The car had been pulled up on a little lay by and Lewis was now dragging me towards some trees. I frowned. Oh god we weren't going for a hike were we?

We entered the foresty thingy and started walking up a small path barely noticeable unless you were looking for it. We were still holding hands and Lewis didn't seem to mind. I didn't either, I liked it this way, it was nice.

We entered a clearing, quite far from the lay by and I stood there shocked at the sight I saw. It was beautiful. A waterfall cascaded down into a glistening pool. The trees surrounding the pool making it private yet still sunlit. There were little pink and purple flowers lining the edge of the pool in a meadow like way. The pool led off to a small trickling stream with pebbled banks. The water looked really inviting on this hot day though you'd be scared to make it dirty, it was crystal clear.

I turned to look at Lewis but he wasn't there. I started to get frantic, my eyes scanned the trees for him but there was no sign. Just as I was about to call to him he came through the trees wearing only his boxers. He came up to me chuckling.

"did u think I'd gone?" I glared at him as he chucked down his clothes in a pile. "I don't know, but you could've told me you were going to wander off! AND come back almost naked." though I didn't say the last part. His body was as breathtaking as the meadow. I quickly made sure i wasn't starring. He chuckled again and changed the subject.

"So, do you like it?" I looked back over at the frothing waterfall and the sparkling pool.

"I love it." I whispered in owe at the majestic feel to the place. I looked back at him and he smiled a dazzling smile showing a row of white teeth.

"Now may I ask, why you sir, are dressed so indecently?" I asked him poshly, pushing a finger at his chest.

"why miss, I am going for a dip. Care to join me?" he said bowing and giving me his hand. I pushed it back shaking my head. "nah ah, I ain't going anywhere near the water."

I backed away towards the trees and sat down on the grass stuburnly, picking up a daisy and twiddling it in my fingers.

"fine fine." Lewis said walking backward towards the pool hands up in surrender. "whatever you say." He turned round and jumped in elegantly, spraying water all over me. I gave him a cold stare. He gave me a puppy dog face in reply. "sorry."

He swam while I basked in the sun and we chatted to each other every now and then about anything and everything. After a while I decided I'd dangle my feet in. I took of my pumps and socks and walked up to the side of the pool dangling my legs over the side of the bank. I made a good choice of clothes today, at least I don't need to roll my trousers up with shorts.

I was happily sat twirling my fingers in the water when something grabbed my ankles and before I new it I was tugged down. I hit the ice cold water and was submerged under. It was freezing. I slowly opened my eyed the water stinging them slightly. No-one was there. Then suddenly someone grabbed my waist and I jerked round to face them. Lewis. He saw my deathly glare and quickly swam to the surface. I followed him up letting him take a breath before dragging him back down by the shoulders. I kicked past him, going to the surface to breathe aswell. I looked around I could see no movement in the water. I narrowed my eyes. All of a sudden i was lifted out of the water and ended up sat on lewis's shoulders.

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