Fusion: Jaden Yuki

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I'm re-updating and editing the story! it's going to get a lot darker! Hope you'll like it.

I do not own the Yu-Gi-Oh! series

Jaden watched from the roof as the students of the Academia prepared for the upcoming invasion. They were robotic, with no emotion, perfect. Jaden chuckled slightly as they separated in the four divisions he had set. "Haou." He turned to his name and saw the higher ranks soldiers on one knee and bowing down, like the lower ranks they were to him. Gleaming gold eyes locked onto Zane's teal ones as he the older man spoke with a monotonic voice. "You called."

'Haou' which they called Jaden was wearing black armour, not to confuse it with the armour back when he ruled in the dark realm, this armour was thinner, more mobile and more suited for the modern world. Though this time, his armoured gloves were now clawed, the right glove still had a black shield with a gold eye in the centre which was his duel disk, he also refused to wear the helmet to let others see who they were facing. Jaden pulled out a sword and one flinched but he didn't care, he pointed at Zane and the one beside him with silver hair. "Zane, you and Aster will be infiltrating the Synchro Dimension. Your main mission is to bring back Yusei Fudo. The two nodded as he shifted the point of his sword to the one with black hair and the one with Cyan hair. "Chazz, Syrus. I'm entrusting you with two people at once. Yugi and Yami Sennen, you know your punishment if you fail."

"Y-yes sir," Syrus said. "We won't fail."

He turned to the one with one bandaged eye and one with orange eyes. "You too." One met his eyes, the other refused to look up. "Jim, Jesse, your target is Yuma Tsukumo. He will be in the area we will be invading. Once the invasion starts, you guys will find him and bring him back." Jim answered, but the other one kept his gaze down. Jaden closed in on them and lifted Jesse's chin up with the flat of the sword. "Do I make myself clear Jesse?."

Jesse looked directly at Jaden and pushed the sword away with his hand, "Yes."


"....Yes Sir."

Jaden gave a smirk, "Good boy." He pointed to four others, "Atticus will control the Reds and lead them in the south direction, Hassleberry has the Yellows and lead them in East, Alexis has the Whites and lead them in the North while O'Brien, you have the Blues and lead them West." They all replied.

"Haou Sir," He turned to seeYuri who was smiling eerily, followed by Dennis who seemed subdued. "I found him." Dennis took his position between Jesse and O'Brien, while Yuri stood next to Jaden.

"Dennis. The invasion begins when you find Yuma. Send the coordinate location to Jesse and Jim, then signal these four." He motioned to the four squad leaders. "Then we will begin." Jaden turned to Yuri. "Yuri, you will stay back. I have something important for you to do."

Yuri frowned. "Still think I would be better than Dennis for that mission."

Dennis flinched a bit getting Jaden's attention. "Something wrong Dennis."

The boy side-eyed Jesse who shook his head and looked up at Jaden. "Sir, I accept the mission, but I don't have anything Xyz. They'll catch on."

"Don't think I'm prepared for this McField?" They stayed silent as Yuri snickered from the side. Jaden pulled out a deck of cards and Dennis rose to walk over and grabbed them. "One of your first lessons was to keep your deck safe. Yuri was able to grab it while you had your back turned." Dennis patted his pants and turned red with shame. "Your Performage Deck was already set up to standard, also your deck is well balanced enough for it to be fine in the Xyz dimension, I just added a few Xyz cards and added an Ace." A burst of clownlike laughter sounded in the distance as Jaden's eyes switched to his dichromatic eyes. "Performage Trapeze Magician. Appear before us." Something landed beside him laughing psychotically and turned with its masked fake smile. Eyes opened and shone gold like Jaden's. Nobody said anything, but the air felt chilly from the monster. "He will be your new Ace. He has an upgrade."

The magician bowed in front of Dennis. "Hello, Master Dennis." The voice was high-pitched and creepy. "Shall we entertain together?"

Dennis backed away for a second before returning the now. "The pleasure is mine. Let's make a great team."

The magician laughed before fading away and Dennis walked back slightly shaking as Jaden turned to Yuri. "You too. I have something for you."

Yuri huffed and crossed his arms. "I'm fine with what I got."

"You may be fine, but I am not giving you this card 'cause you need a better deck, He is calling for you."

"Ja...Haou Sir. What do you mean calling out?" Alexis questioned.

Smoke filled the rooftop as a low growl echoed. Two clawed arms grasped the side of the building while a bladed tail hooked near O'Brien. The impact was heavy which forced the Elites to break formation and gather in a full circle. Soon the large head of a dragon rose with two pairs of mandibles opening and closing, the one closest to its mouth oozed saliva. The orbs on its body glowed as it snaked over to Yuri. Eyes shone similar to Yuri's glowing pink ones and the dragon lowered its head. "You and I. We are meant to be together Yuri. We are stronger together." It blew smoke in the boy's face. "My name is Starving Venom Fusion Dragon. And I will help you succeed." It wrapped its tail around Yuri who watched in amazement while the others stood their ground.

Jaden closed his eyes. "Venom has been watching your for a while now Yuri. He was waiting for his time to join you." He reopened his eyes which returned to a shining gold. "Now then." He walked to the Elites and opened his clawed gloved hand palm up towards Dennis who was being slightly shielded by Chazz. "You have 10 minutes to prepare for departure Dennis. Do not fail me. Now. Get out of my sight." Everyone walked away though Jesse glanced back at him before rejoining Jim and Hasslebarry. Yuri walked the opposite way followed by Starving Venom who stayed out of its card and followed his new master. Jaden smiled wickedly as he turned back to the crowd below. "Let the hunt. Begin."

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