Hey! Hey! Hope you enjoy this fun non caring funny if you like Phan trashy fan fic thing I have created!
Charis pov: where in Japan for a holiday and where on a fucking beach? What ho goes to a beach in Japan but we passed it and it looked Cool so we just stayed here for a while. the sea was as blue as mold on a gone off piece of bread and the sand was as golden as stale shit. the wind was blowing in my face and sand was getting in my ass and bits of seaweed was getting into my nostrils so I had to get off this shit beach I was with me best friend Layla. She is a g! "GET ME OUT OF THIS SHIT WHOLE I WANNA GO TO THE ARCADES!" Layla screams almost reading my mind. "Yes I feel you bro leggo" so we get our lazy asses up and adventure off into the arcades. "Oiii come play on dis m8" Layla calls me over to play a grap the toy game it had Pokémon toys init and I know how much she loves her Pokemon anime ballshit. "Oh shut up!" I say to her as I was on the 2p machines trying to win a key ring that said 'swag' on it. I am swag so I had to win dis! It would give my life purpose! I hear Layla in the distance shouting "I won I won yassss bitche I'm the queen!" I walk over to Layla and see she has won a massive shit pikachu that will probably block the exit to get out of this place "well done Layla now you can go and have sex with it" I say with sarcasm "fuck you only because your not getting enough action in the bedroom department!" We both laugh hysterically and walk to another fun machine. We both look at these two guys standing on the other side of the room. We both do the 'hot guys alert dance" (basically we both try to look like craps and dance at each other to alert each other to notice) oh holy shit I say to myself getting weak at the knees and beginning to breath rapidly "Holy shit I need a asthma pump!" Layla breathing like crazy! We say in sync "Our senpais!"
Thanks for reading sorry of any bad spelling. Lel. stay tuned for some moreeeee!!! Give it a fav if your Phan asf 😉 love ya x and remember don't cry, craft!
FanficHey hey I'm Layla and this is a story of fun hope you enjoy this cringe worthy, awkward, Japanesesy, Danny and Philly fan fic m8 have a gr8 time x