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I turned the knob slowly hesitant to want to see what was on the other side. But, instead of me pulling it open the door swung open for me. I looked up to the person who opened it and there was Layton."What the..." I swear this guy was just in the bathroom with me. He looked everyone over and made room for us to pass. "Let's go."

No one dared to move. He then scowled at us and grabbed Hina by the arm and pulled her out. The poor girl whimpered at his sudden contact and submitted to his dominance, "Let's go." He said more harshly as he started to pull Hina down the hall. "Hina!" Mackenzie yelled as she ran after them. The rest of us soon followed. Mackenzie then grabbed onto the brunette's other arm and tried to tug her out of Layton's grip. "God damn it Layton, let her go!" said a man then growled at her attempts and pulled Hina in front of him so he could place both his hands on her shoulders. She winced at his touch but didn't fight him off. "I said-!"
"Mackenzie." Sena scoffed.
Mackenzie looked at the raven-ette over her shoulders and scowled. "What the fuck Sena, I won't let him hurt her!"
Layton sighed at the woman's rantings, "I promise I won't hurt any of you."
Mackenzie's gaze snapped back to the blonde. "Says the rapist!"
Teresa sighed at their bickering and Sena just gave the ranting blonde glares.
"P-please don't fight." Hina said softly.

The two fighting stopped instantly and looked at the brunette.
"Layton." Teresa said, finally gaining up the confidence. He looked over his shoulder and she shuttered at his red eyes. "Where are we going."
He returned his gaze forward and continued leading us threw the house. "The mall, you need new clothes."
"Wouldn't it just be easier to let us go into our house and get our stuff?"
"Why would I let my potential mates roam around freely?"
Mackenzie growled at that statement, " Don't say that so casually! I still think that this all is BS!"
"Why would I have the need to lie to you?"
Mackenzie raised and dropped her shoulders, "I have no idea what runs threw a rapists head. You tell me."
Hina whimpered, "Mackenzie.."
But the blonde ignored her plead, "I am not going to calm down. I have no reason to calm down!"
Layton's eyes twitched, "You're starting to annoy me Mackenzie." he growled.
Instead of taking his warning, she smirked. "If I am so annoying then maybe you should let me go."
Layton then grabbed one of her wrist tightly and pulled her into his chest, letting go of Nina who ran the the others who watched the scene take place. Her brown eyes widen at his action, first letting herself be cradled in the man's warmth but then realizing that she was submitting. Mackenzie then started to squirm furiously, trying to get out of his grasp. "Let me go you perv!"
He just held her tighter."Mackenzie as much as you do want to leave, I do think it will be more fun if you do stay and cooperate with me."
"Let me go!"
He leaned closer to her ear, his hot breathe tickling her skin making her flinch. "Want to make a bet?"
She stopped squirming and looked at him questionably."What do you have in mind?"
Mackenzie felt the man smirk against her ear," If I can get you to fall in love with me by the third month here, you stay. If you feel otherwise and only feel hatred." His grip tightened on her," You can leave."
The hall ways were quiet as Sena,Hina,Teresa, and I stared at the two to see her answer. Is she willing to dance with the devil?

Mackenzie turned her gaze to the floor," Fine. But there is not chance in hell I would fall in love with someone who kidnapped me."
Layton nodded and let her go, she stumbled a bit but than regained her balance and joined the rest of us. Layton started to walk again and us girls slowly followed. Mackenzie breathed heavily and held a hand to her chest.
"Are you alright Mackenzie?" Hina softly spoke as she tugged on Mackenzie's dress. Mackenzie looked down at the brunette and gave a her a sad smile," Yeah, I'll be fine."
"I can't believe you actually took the deal," Teresa breathed.
Mackenzie looked at her from her side view, "You would too if he gave you a chance to leave."
"In three months," Sena stated.
"It's better than being stuck here forever."
Hina nodded, "But what if you do fall in love?"
Mackenzie scoff'ed," Are you kidding me! Why would I ever."
Teresa held her hand to her chin and checked Layton out,"I don't know he is quite the looker." She whispered for only us 5 to hear.
"Slut." I murmured.
Teresa's eye twitched and stop turned on her heels to punch me right in the gut. I didn't want to alarm Layton so I only let out a wheeze. She chuckled and continued walking. "Only a cruel sadist like you would call me that Megan."
I held onto my stomach tightly and glared at her.
"Teresa, don't punch Megan." Hina whimpered loud enough for Layton to hear.
He stopped in his track and turned to face us. We all froze on our spots and held our breathes. He then walked toward me and my heart rate sky rocked. 'Please don't hurt me.' Is all that ran threw my head. He suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him. I gave a slight gasp at his harshness but decided to not fight against him. Layton gave a glare to Teresa before returning to walking threw the halls. I stayed quiet and kept my gaze on my wrist that he had an iron grip on. Because of his elongated legs and long strides I had to jog a couple times to catch up with him.

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