I shifted in my sleep, moving side to side restlessly. But sleep never came naturally to me. The floor was cold to the touch, making me shiver tremendously. My back ached with the little to no support that the hard ground gave me. So instead of trying to fall back to sleep, I decided to wake up. Opening my eye lids little by little only to realize that I had a blind fold on. The black fabric covered the view of my surroundings. "What happened last night?"I tried to reach up for the blind fold but was held back by the restraints on my wrist. Feeling the metallic cuffs and hearing the chains clank signaled to me that they were not rope, making the escape harder than it already was. I groaned as a burning pained sensation built in my stomach, making me move into a fatal position. I gritted my teeth as the pain just made my whole body sore and weak. "What happened? Why am I here? What's going to happen?" These questions just flooded into my brain, the last thing that I remember was going out to dinner with my brother.
It was Teron's 21st birthday, so I decided it was a perfect time to take time off school and take him out. I had to do something special for him, he has been like a father to me since our real dad fled off with a hooker. I say he should earn father of the year for leaving my impregnated mom alone with a 5 year old boy, and un-born me.
I sighed as I tried to keep my eyes open during the lesson at hand. The writing on the board making little sense, and the teacher making it sound harder than it really was. I groaned at the boring lesson while tapping my mechanical pencil against my notebook. The balding teacher continued on with the lesson until the bell interrupted his speech.
"Okay class, please remember that the summaries are due tomorrow at midnight. I'll be seeing you on Thursday. Thank you." She said.
I silently thanked the gods while grabbing onto my black backpack and stuffed my things and books into the bag messily, not caring if the papers got crumpled. The classes flooded out into campus and I followed the flood, and since it was my last class of the day. I finally had the chance to call Teron up.
I sat my items down on a cement bench and took out my I-Phone and dialed the number.
***-***-****Holding the phone to my ear waiting for him to pick up. It only had to ring 3 times before he answered which
was a surprise since he usually let it go into voice mail because he was so busy."Yo, this is Teron."
"Teron!" I exclaimed a bit to loudly.
"Megan, Hey baby girl I was just going to call you."
"Yeah. So whats up." I started to pace around in little circles,
"I thought sense it was someone's birthday, that maybe he would like his little sister to take him out or something."
The line went quiet for a few minutes." Who's birthday?"
"You're an idiot."
"Well I am sorry, but I have been far to busy to remember." He stated in defense. I sighed as I sat next to my stuff.
"It's your birthday."
"Again? I thought I had one last year." He joked.
"Yeah yeah, shut up and listen. I want to take you out."
He chuckled dryly, "That seems fine with me, I'll be out of work soon. How does 8 sound?"
I couldn't help but smile, he finally is able to get off work to see me. "That sounds awesome. Crab Cats?"
"Crab Cats," I squealed internally because crab cats was our child hood favorite.
"See you then."

The Mate Games
Romance"You won't run, I won't let you go. Because from now on. You are mine." 5 girls are stolen and have a chance to become the Luna. No one even knows the man, and they are just human. But the Alpha needs them. His pack was destroyed with a raid so repo...