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Why? After all that night with Teron, why did I have to leave alone? If I had let him tag along with me I would have been safer. I flopped side to side, groaning at the pain that my stomach gave me, and I winced when something smacked me right in the face. The blind fold on my eyes loosened and fell to my neck. I slowly opened my eyes to look around. But it disappointing when I only saw darkness with some light every so often. The ground shook and I hissed at my soreness. The vibration of the room, the shaking, the lights. This all added up to one thing. I was in a van. I, Megan Strous was kidnapped on my brother's birthday. I looked around to see what had hit me earlier and since I was in a fatal position and didn't have the power or strength to move, so my sight was pretty limited.

I looked across the floor and there I saw a hand. A dirtied, feminine, bruised hand that twitched every second or so. My eyes widen as I trailed up her arm and looked at the girl. Her light skin was bruised and her face had a few scratches. The girl's short straight brown hair was messed up and stood out, while her blue dress's buttons were messily buttoned up. Her face contorted and sweat rolled down her face. She looked like she was having a bad dream, because she started to let small delicate tears stream across her dirty cheeks.

I looked at her more intensely, but then she shot open her eyes and screamed into the cloth that was tied on her mouth. Her waking up so suddenly scared me and I moved but then regretted it as pain shot threw my whole body. She started to cry into the cloth and whimper, shake, and panic. I looked directly into her dark brown eyes and could almost see the fear swirling in her orbs.

I looked around hastily. Making sure the assaulter wasn't in fact in the van with us. Then I locked my gray eyes on the girl with a sympathetic look. "I-It's okay." I whispered. "I am not going to hurt you." She stopped shaking but still cried silently. I shook my shackles and she looked at my chained wrist, "L-look, i'm in the same position as you." Her eyes trailed up and down my body and her irises widen in fear.

I then looked at my body and finally witnessed the state I was in. My body looked tattered, damaged, much more bruises and cuts than she had. I then started to scream internally. I was stolen, and possibly beaten, maybe sold, and all of this started to sink in.

A tear dripped down my cheek but I held in the weeps that I desperately wanted to let out. I have to keep a cool head here, maybe that the fact that the girl in front of me was just as scared made me more calmed. Like this need to show her that everything was alright. She mumbled something, and I looked at her confused but then realized that I forgot the cloth keeping her from speaking or shouting.

"Lean forward," I whispered," As much as you can."
She looked at me for a few seconds to see if she should trust me but then complied and leaned forward, groaning at the pain her body gave her. I used the very little movement my hands were given to touch the fabric. I used my middle and pointer finger to grip the fabric and slowly pull down the cloth. She shook the cloth further down and we both took a deep sigh.

"W-Who are you?" She asked, her voice slightly trembling.
"Megan Strous, You?"
She gulped the lump that sat in the back of her throat before speaking,"Hina, Hina Krize."
"Can you tell me what happened before you woke up here?"
"I-I was going to my friends funeral. Then I remember a man grabbing me and knocking me out with a punch to the head." She grimaced at the memory. So, she too was taken like me. We were in the same boat here.
I gave her an apologetic look, "Was he wearing black? With a ski mask on his head?" She nodded and I grinded my teeth.

This psychopath will be put on the death sentence when I get my chance.
I heard another groan and I looked at Hina to see if she made it, but then she shook her head. I then slowly looked behind me, trying to restrain my movements to a minimum so it wouldn't hurt so much.

Behind me was another woman, she looked older than me and her medium blonde hair was spreed across the van's floor like a fan around her head. Her face contorted and she growled
"What the hell happened?" she growled.
Her brown eyes then shifted around and landed on me." Oh I, you... What happened was I was just walking to my job when I was attacked."

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