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I looked down at our hands, a wide smile plastered on my face. She was so beautiful, her name was Fiona. I've grown to love her ever since we've began this game... Even now I look at her... concerned face?
"What is it, darling?"
"Pan!" Felix nudged Peter harder this time, finally snapping his leader out of his daze.
The boy who was spacing out flinched, looking at his concerned friend weirdly, "What? What's wrong?"
"That's what I was going to ask..." He relaxed back into sitting with his back slouched slightly, "As soon as you sat down you spaced out, looking dumbfounded. Eventually you took my hand and looked at me with a stupid grin, calling me darling..."
Peter raised an eyebrow, feeling blood rushing into his face. "Oh, did I?" He chuckled nervously, "I don't know what you're talking about..." Fuck. "Bloody hell is wrong with you, Peter?" He thought, trying to get himself together.
Now Felix raised his eyebrow, "Are you alright, Peter?"
He looked forward at the plate of cooked rabbit in front of him, grabbing his fork and pushing his food around. "Yes, Felix, I'm fine. I'm just tired I guess..." Another lie. He didn't understand what was going on with him.
"Okay, something's up. Is it that game you and Fiona are playing?"
He looked at him out of the corner of his eye, his lips pressing together. He dropped his fork onto his plate and turned to face Felix. "No. Its not the game."
"Then what is it?"
Peter stood from his seat, not wishing to explain himself, "It's nothing, alright?" Not letting Felix respond, he walked off to his tent and sat on his cot while covering his face with his hands.

Fiona walked out of her tent to see Peter rushing into his. She decided to ignore him and saw that the lost boys were having supper. She sat next to Felix.
The hooded boy looked over at her, "Hey."
"What's going on with Peter?"
"I'm wondering the same thing but I do know he's been... fantasying about you."
She raised an eyebrow and blushed just as Peter did not long ago when he spoke with Felix. Felix noticed the similar reaction and chuckled lightly.
"I think he's in love with you. Which does mean he's going to lose the game you two are playing."
Fiona now cocked her head to the side, "How do yo- Wait, never mind. I bet he told you."
He nodded, "Yep, he told me about it. What would you ask for him to do?"
She had to think for a while since she had never thought of it. Soon finding that she couldn't come up with anything, she sighed. "I don't know honestly... I just want, you know, a relationship."
"Mhm, understandable but wouldn't it be more fun to ask for more?"
"What do you mean?"
Felix leaned against the table, using his forearms to prop him up. "I mean you can take advantage of him, take over Neverland, use him until he's useless and weak."
The thought actually sat in her head for a moment. It would be interesting to take over an island... She leaned over as well just as he did, "Sounds a bit interesting but what if I still want a relationship?"
He looked at her for a brief moment, "I can give you affection, I want it myself as well."
Fiona bit her lip as she looked into his eyes not noticing she leaned in a little. The boy did the same and planted a kiss upon her lips, soon feeling a kiss back. She pulled away, wiping her mouth.
"Alright, I'm interested."

Peter stared at the somewhat ceiling of his tent, sighing as he sat up from his cot. He was still thinking about the daydream and wondered if he really did just want someone to love. Fiona was a wonderful girl who he is growing to like, possibly even... "No, its too soon to admit that." He told himself, "That word is too strong to use..."
He stood and got out of his tent finally to find Fiona out. His lips formed a smile though went back to a straight face when he saw that she was talking, and laughing, with Felix...

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