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once the boy, Jasper, stops talking, there are a few moments of silence whilst am still taking it all in. I don't even seem to notice that he has moved to the other side of the room, opened the curtains to let light in, and that three other boys, who i am guessing are his brothers, are standing him side by side.

"She looks better"

"Yeah, she 'could' look better though"

"Is she gonna talk?

" I think she has a name."

"What is it then?"

"i don't know!?"

they are all talking as if i am not even alive, let alone standing on the other side of the room. They are all so handsome and young. Jasper is by far the most handsome with blond hair blue eyes, perfect white smile tall and tan skin and defined body.

One of the boys walk forward.

"Hey . my name is Mike, i am the second oldest down from Jasper." Mikes voice is deep, he is also tall, brown hair, brown eyes and tan skin.

"this man here is Ed, and his twin brother tom. To people that don't know them they look identical but when you get to know them, you can definitely tell the difference. For one Ed is only 5.3 were as Tom is 6.1." Ed and Tom just stand there for a moment until mike slaps them both and then the both simply say


Ed and Tom have the same bleach blond hair and super tan skin, there eyes are fasinating though, they almost look gold.

They must of noticed i was staring, because they all just looked away. besides Jasper.

Jasper walks close to me and then kneels dow to be at my height, sitting on the bed.

"hey, are you okay? do you want a drink of some food or something?"he asks. by this point i haven't even thought about food or water. I am to busy freaking out by the fact that i have basically been kidnapped and they are telling me some crazy story about how they found me unconscious in the middle of a forest all cut up and bruised.

"Ya know, what i really want is some real answers on why i am in the house of some complete strangers and their friend can do 'magic' and your eyes are gold and you all just act completely fine about it all!!" To my surprise by the time i finish my rampage i am in tears.

"I already gave you the only answers i have. So right now you need to give us some answers. Like, whats your name? where do you come from? How old are you? Who are your parents?"

"I don't know. I am all caught up in a lot of thoughts and questions and none of them are in there. please. Just please let me get some fresh air. Then maybe i will remember." Just as i finish my sentence i hear a voice yell out

"dinner boys!"

"come on Jasper. Bring the girl down with us, she will need some food." Mike says

"yeah, she looks like she could use a little meet in her." tom adds.

i look at Jasper and he gestures at me to come and join. As i walk down the wooden stairs, take a look around the house. It is a large and beautiful house, all made or wood. Then i look out of the extremely large window and see that we are quire a ways up. There are trees all around us and not one other house or road in sight. My guesses are that we are in the woods somewhere.

When we get down to what looks like the dining room, i see a large table with a big roast pig in the middle, and other things surrounding it. This all looks delicious! Looking at all of the food, i realised how hungry i was. But i also realised that i am still with a group of boys that i don't know and they are all acting super suspicious. The boys just walk over and take a seat, where as i just stand in the doorway awkwardly not being invited in. After standing there for about 10 seconds, a tall slim girl with short brown hair pushes past me and grabs a plate off of the table and passes it to me.

"You know, these boys have no manners, my name is Ellie and you are welcome to come and eat! grab anything you want, you look like you need a good feast!" So this is the Ellie that i am hearing so much of. i walk over to the last seat next to Jasper, god, they all eat like dogs! Wait, wasn't there something in his story to do with dogs?

"Remember boys, it is a full moon tonight. Stay safe. Remember what your father would tell you on nights like these." Ellie said in a warning voice.

While they all sit and laugh and talk and eat and have fun, i am just sitting here washed away in my own thoughts.

then it hits me.


As i go on my nightly run, i decide that I will take the long way. I stop right at the edge of the woods. I haven't been here in a long time, i can barely remember the way, but that doesn't stop me.

The sky is getting darker and i think that i am lost. Crap. i stop to a walking pace. I should of bring my phone, i am so stupid! i have no idea of the way i come, or the way to go. i turn around and see a shadow move quickly. Then something runs around me so fast, the only thing i can see are the haunting blue eyes. I try to move, try to scream, but it is like i am paralysed. Everything starts to get blurry as blackness swallows me up.

"Quinn. Quinn my dear. Hold on to every bit of power you have got. Trust no one but my voice. Keep me with you Quinn. Don't forget why you are here."

I gasp for air and shield my eyes from the blinding sun. What was that? was that a dream? or had that happened? it seems familiar. that name. That voice. I know them all to well.

"Are you okay my dear? What did you see?" A voice says beside me. Ellie.

I open my eyes and remember where i am.

"Quinn. Quinn is my name." is all i say before getting up and walk out of the room.

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