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Where the hell was she? I turned around for 10 seconds and then she just disappeared. I walk outside shouting her name, the music was so loud I couldn't even hear my own voice. I had to find her. I sent a mind link to my brothers telling them what is going on and within a matter of seconds they were at my side.
"Jasper, can you catch her scent?" Mike said
"No. I have to shift to do that. The only place I can think of her being is in the woods." On this note the brothers and I set off running. Once we got to the forest it was safe to shift.
"I can't get anything." I continue "You guys search the forest and don't stop until you find her. I am going to go back to the house to make sure she didn't just go home, and that way I can get a top to catch her smell. If anything happens link me okay?" The boys nod in agreement and I set off running.

Halfway home I catch a scent I would never forget. Honey Lavender. It can't be. She is dead. I run even faster and as soon as the house is in sight the smell gets stronger. I run in the door and up the stairs into Quinn's room. When I burst through the door I stop in my tracks. Laying on the bed is Quinn fast asleep, standing next to the bed was my Mother.
"Hello Son."

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