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"Discord what are we going to do, where has Queen Chrysalis taken my mother?" Discord slouched down on a chair and stroked his beard. "It seems very strange to me all of this I could have sworn that Queen Chrysalis was dead, then again I wouldn't put anything past that old bat!" Fluttershy started pacing the room and then looked up, an idea had come to her. "Discord I think I know where my mother is, well when Princess Cadence was kidnapped on her wedding day she was trapped in the Canterlot Caves. That's where she is, if we find my mother then we may be able to stop all of this before it gets out of hoof!" Discord quickly got up lifted Fluttershy and started kissing her, "You are brilliant, simply brilliant Fluttershy!" Fluttershy blushed and said," Well, I'm not just a pretty face." Discord and Fluttershy ran out of Canterlot Castle and made there way to the hideous place that was the Canterlot Caves.

FlutterCord 3 The Element Of DisHarmony Where stories live. Discover now