Diana & Pharos

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Specific instruction is necessary for  those who cannot yet form the questions, you are welcome to ask and we  urge that for your own peace of mind that you try. It is not always  possible for a message to get through to a closed mind however, and so  pick some middle ground and we can both try our best. 
  You have already had a question this  morning regarding fleas. Such parasites feed form a warmth-activated  body, harbouring their infestation. May we suggest that bathing in oiled  water will desist these aggravations? 
  Cold black tea makes an excellent compress for aggravated skin.  

DIANA OF ACROPOLIS was a goddess of the moon. She bore a sickle and a lamp, wearing a girdle upon which a gourd was strung. 
Diana bore two children one of whom was  wolf-faced; one was a pure child. Hieronikos was her lover, and his  shield deflected the lower worlds. Hieronikos rode astride a chariot  that bore great tusks. 
  [Note: Hieronikos means "Sacred Victor".]       
Pharos of Thebes was an orator and  professional conversationalist. His arguments were greatly prized.  Gourmet philosophy abounded. When the babe's head was anointed it was  with the blessing of a cunningly quick mind. Words were as spears,  conversation was sophisticated amongst the upper-class. Cleverness was  rewarded, the enlightened bore society's medals. Such were a proud race,  with little inner activity. They were the torch bearers of  intelligence, the fathers of new thought. 

  The trial of demotion is difficult for  the soul who so proudly took part in this past epoch. Devotion was not  charity - there was little place for mutual regard in this dynamic  environment which the sciences first grew out of. 

  Streams of individuals encompassed an  intelligence that surpassed their capacity to love. The combat of  thought was perceived the arena of humanity, past devotions paled when  wit matched wit. Small wonder that this gave way to slavery, as the  champions of society were clearly defined.

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