Light & Life

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The Light and Life* vision in infancy is well begun and already instilled with exuberance in vast measure. Wonder at the teachings is a tonic for those who impart and take part in the myriad of concepts that enrich all to study and contemplate, to hold, treasure and care for. It is important to dust the treasures!
Caretakers of truth and wisdom are sought for everywhere and we rejoice in this enterprise- though need we exclaim it?
Prophecy, advice and persuading the course of life, is not our domain or tangle. It is important to emphasize this is in order to put straight from the outset those who may hold to feeble hope that we may direct their life and actions accordingly. However, with proper meditations and study, fixations and spiritual purpose, it is our prayer with blessing that all will be infilled with a strength and clarity of purpose that not only has grand effect upon their own purpose, but of all that they come in contact with.
There are however, already questions although unspoken. Yes, fish can fly; albeit in a body of water, rather than light. No, no man stands so high above another, lest he fly from the planet nigh to be seen again!
All work perfected is privilege. Ghosts from the past are to be put to rest. Early rising and early rest is best- we should not plant the seeds in the garden at midnight.

There are few kickbacks in this line of business.
An honest endeavor is all that is sought, that and an open heart. Be patient, it will all come, and with much surprise to this enterprise.
[*Light & Life was a newsletter not connected with this work.]

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