Kaleidoscope of the Soul

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Prismatic thought fractured with splinters - this was the splinter in the mirror acknowledged in Hans Christian Andersen's The Snow Queen.

How often the  true picture of any given event witnessed by the soul is split in  perception by the inner-eye and its inability to interpret pure form.

Quartz can  have such imperfections, and interestingly enough many of these  inclusions are not inherent in the stone and its formation, but occur  soon after. Again though, clear specimens do exist and it is to this we  fix our attention on possibilities for our inner being.

The use of  quartz as an aid to artificial memory is as an extension of the human  brain, and is only a part of the function that men themselves have.  Quartz in powdered preparations may help the function of the thinking  process when ingested.

Quartz is the  body of man, representative of the earth. It is, as it were, a  conductor, the nature and use of the material being an expression of a  receiver. It is the chewing gum of the Gods.

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