A soldier never falls part 2

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Time skip~ (two months)

Eren pov:

I'm almost due but I have to wait for Levi, I know he'll be here in no time...

That day Hange paid Eren a visit since his doctor had told him he was completely bed ridden at the last check up.

To top that the brunet had been feeling quite tense and achy that same morning and the last couple of days too, but he addressed it to being nervous for Levi's return or just false contractions, like he'd been having in the last month.

"so how do you feel...? Any pain...?" Eren smiled softly "I'm fine, maybe a little tense and achy but happy since Levi will come back in no time..."

Hange smiled and ruffled the omega's long hair "you're so cute Eren...!~" they squealed and he pouted, crossing his arms "I'm not cute..." They laughed.

"Do you need anything...?" The brunet hummed thoughtfully "I'm actually a bit hungry right now..." The beta smiled again "alright, I'm coming back with your food...don't move" Eren rolled his eyes "Yeah, it's not like I can move much anyway..." they giggled and went out the door and downstairs.

A few minutes passed and Eren felt a really bad urge to pee and, with some struggles, he could get up and waddled, yes, waddled, to the bathroom.

Before he could reach it though, he felt liquid trickle down his legs, soaking his pajama pants "Shit...please don't tell me it's what I think it is. Please..."

The tall omega was answered by a sharp pain in his lower back that brought him to his knees for the surprise. "No no no...no...It's too early, it can't be...Can't you wait a little bit baby, for me...?? Daddy is still not back, Please...Ugh, Fuck...that hurt like a bitch..."

He panted, trying to regain his breath enough to seek help from Hange "HANGE!!" he curled into a ball, somehow easing a bit of the pain.

When the youth heard nothing, he tried to get up using the door frame. He struggled a bit as his body felt tenser than before and a little shaky.

He walked slowly, leaning towards the wall with a hand while the other went to support his enormous and dropped belly.

The brown haired boy didn't know how much passed but soon he felt another sharp pain and a few harsh kicks of protest. He let out a strangled whimper "I-I should be the one to Mmh p-protest my dear..."

He leaned against the wall for support but, as soon as he saw the stairs, he frowned and gave up, slowly sitting down on the floor, waiting for Hange to come to him instead.

Eren tried to breathe deeply, his heart was racing a million miles per hour as the baby kept kicking him hard and harshly.

Where the fuck are they...? Don't tell me they went out...

Fuck...I left my phone in the bedroom...

The boy suddenly heard the front door open and close and he tried to grab the beta's attention, but fortunately they soon noticed him at the top of the stairs and ran up to him "what's wrong...?? Why are you there...??"

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