Singing Together

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Michael- You pranced around you room, cleaning off your desk and dancing to your favorite song of the moment, If You Can't Hang, by Sleeping with Sirens. You turned around to a stifled laugh. "Oh, shut up, Mikey. Don't act like you're not attracted to this." You said, raising you eyebrows. "I'd be lying if I said that," he agreed, nodding his head. You turned around and began singing, and seconds later, Michael joined in. Pretty soon, the two of you were recreating a scene from "Another Cinderella Story", a movie which was a guilty pleasure for the both of you. You were cleaning and dancing and just being completely random.

Calum- "I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby" Calum sang from the bathroom. You groaned, holding a pillow over your head. This wasn't the first time he'd woken you up by singing. Once Calum had a song stuck in his head, in was stuck there for quite a while. Tossing off the covers, you walked in to find him shaving the little stubble he actually had. It just made him feel more confident when he did shave. You giggled and he grinned at you goofily. You walked over to the sink, where he continued to sing. You took out your hairbrush and began to sing as well. The two of you spent the whole day, singing that same song over and over again, but neither of you grew tired of it. 

Ashton- "Ashton, let's bake cookies!" you said, jumping off of the couch. He followed you reluctantly into the kitchen. "(Y/n), you know I can't cook..." he complained as you got out the ingredients. "I'll help you. It isn't that hard." You told him, preheating the oven. "Right... oh, we need music!" You said. "Here," Ashton said, plugging his phone into your wall speakers. He pressed the shuffle button, and Green Day's Twenty-One Guns started blaring out of the speakers. You both belted it out at the top of you lungs, Ashton drumming on the countertops, you adding the ingredients. You ended up with some perfect cookies, and some cookie dough to eat, as well. 

Luke- You were getting ready to swim, humming a familiar tune in your head, but you couldn't remember the words and it was driving you crazy.You walked around the corner and outside, where Luke texting on a pool chair. He looekd up as you came out. "I love that song," He said. "Oh, thank God. Do you know how it goes?" You asked him. "He nodded, scrolling through his phone. "Here..." he said, and the phone's speakers started playing After Midnight, by Blink 182. "Yeah! That's it! This song is the best." You said, pulling off your coverup. "Are you getting into the pool or what?" You asked him. He nodded, plugging the phone into some speakers. You grinned as he started to sing. "I can't get my feet up off the edge, I kinda like it..." He sang. Then you joined in, not caring how good or bad you sounded. You had a fantastic day singing Blink 182 at the top of your lungs.

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