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Harry looked over the field, assessing the other Slytherin students flying around on their brooms. Today was the day of the try-outs, and he was honestly nervous for some reason. His new broom was nothing like his Firebold and he was still working out the kinks, getting used to the much slower equipment as he decided he much more preferred the brooms in his own time.

His eyes flicked over to the bleachers, where Ron, Ginny, Hermione and even Sirius were sitting to cheer him on. The twins would have been there too if they hadn't gotten detention that day for setting off firecrackers during Defence. Harry remembered that Mulciber and Julia Rowle had both gotten detention as well for duelling each other in the hallways, so he was sure the twins would have their hands full. Mulciber and Rowle were both 6th years, a year lower than Fred and George, but extremely talented in dark arts and true trouble makers. From what his classmates had told him, they had detention nearly every week.

His friends had all encouraged him to join the team after he told them of Alphard's invitation, saying it was best for them to get used to this era as soon as possible, and familiar things, like quidditch would make that easier on them. All new Gryffindors were also planning on joining their team, apparently.

His gaze lingered on his Godfather and he frowned worriedly. For the past few days, Sirius had been acting strange, confused. Harry wondered often if something had happened, but the older man told him he was perfectly fine, aside for the fact he apparently missed about 30 minutes of memory. The others had all dismissed it as just a little blackout in which Sirius must have gone about on autopilot, something everyone did every now and then, but Harry wasn't so sure, especially not with the way Tom Riddle and his followers kept staring in his direction every time he was in the same room as them. It had gone so far Harry now avoided the Slytherin common room in the evenings and instead opted to meet his friends in the library or the Room of Requirement, which Sirius had told them about, and stake out there until curfew.

"Alright everyone!" Walburga Black, 6th year chaser, captain and Sirius' future muggle hating mother called everyone together.

Harry flew back to the ground and landed next to Alphard, another chaser, apparently since last year, but he had to do his try-outs again. No one was certain of their spot in the team for two years in a row. Only the best ones were welcome and Walburga gladly kicked her teammates off if it meant there was more room for more talented players. She'd even step out herself if she found herself lacking, but since she was incredibly talented, that was very doubtful. Harry had been honestly surprised when he'd seen her play the first time. She was a natural. Even Victor Crum could learn from her grace on a broom.

"We'll start with the Keeper and Chaser try-outs," the intimidating woman said.
"Rowle, Rosier, get to your places! Alphard, Crabbe and Ravina are on team one, the rest of you are on the other. Potter, Parkinson, wait here until it's your turn!"

With that, all the others took to the sky once more while Harry and Percival Parkinson, 3rd year and Pansy's grandfather Harry guessed, watched. Walburga flew up with the others to keep a close eye on her potential teammates. She had a deep scowl on her aristocratic, soft features, making her look older and less attractive than she actually was. Still, Harry had to admit she was rather beautiful. It was hard to imagine this was the same person as the horrifying painting at Grimmauld place in his own time.

By the time Walburga called him and Parkinson up for their own try-outs, Harry had grown increasingly uncomfortable for some reason. He glanced up towards the bleachers one last time, emerald eyes widening as he saw Tom Riddle sitting not so far from his friends, his dark blue eyes focused solely on him with terrifying intensity.

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