A Talk

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Tom walked briskly through the corridors of the large castle towards the Great Hall. He was already too late for dinner, as he had spent the entire evening in the library doing research on the Chamber of Secrets, to which he still wasn't any closer to finding its location. He'd been holed up in there for so long, he was now starving.

Of course, it seemed that ever since Harry and his time-traveling friends had arrived, nothing could go easily for Tom anymore. He found his path blocked by the Weasley twins, the real ones, not the one with the brunette imposter. He never really talked with the duo before, but he remembered Harry had called them Fred and George, though he had never really bothered to learn who was who.

"Hey, Riddle," one of them, the left one, spoke up.

"Harry told us you know everything," the other one said.
"Or at least a lot. So we were wondering-..."

"-What you're planning," the first one finished, narrowing his eyes at Tom.

"There's no way you'll leave it at this," the second one growled.

"Yeah, we bet you've got some kind of evil scheme ready," the first one added bitterly.

"Unlike Harry, we won't fall for your tricks!" they finished in chorus.

Tom blinked and stared at the two of them, sizing them up calmly. They seemed to think they could intimidate him for some reason. He smirked, and here he thought that those from the future would know him better. How disappointing.

"You two must just love tennis," he commented casually.

The two Weasleys frowned in confusion and glanced at each other. Tom's smile fell again as he realized they likely didn't even know what tennis was. So incredibly boring already this conversation was. He shrugged to himself and brushed past them.

"It's a muggle game," he explained without looking at them.
"Two muggles stand on opposite sides of a field with a net in the middle and they hit a ball at each other."

"What?" he heard them ask in sync.

Tom felt like rolling his eyes. This was why he disliked talking with uninteresting people. Uninteresting people were usually boring and dumb. He sighed. He already missed talking with Harry. The green eyed boy was the most interesting person he'd met in his whole life. At least he could follow most of the things Tom talked about without much trouble.

"Never mind," he muttered.
"It's almost as boring as Quidditch anyway."

"Hold up!" one of the twins suddenly called after him.

"We're not done with you yet!" the other called as two sets of footsteps ran after him.

This time, Tom did roll his eyes and he turned around to face the two, smiling coldly at them.

"Oh? But I am so very done with you already," he told them pleasantly, enjoying the widening of their eyes in surprise and fear before his expression turned to ice.
"You two bore me, and I am too hungry to indulge you."

The two of them stared at Tom in pure shock at his words, but soon, rage took over.

"Shut up! You don't get to say that!" one of the twins yelled, face burning red with fury.

"Do you even know what you did to our sister?! After everything you did, we should just kill you instead of trying to save you!" the other screamed.

Tom cocked his head, his mind running miles a second as he took in the implications of what these two were saying. He already knew that the Weasley girl, the real one, had a personal reason to hate him, and it seemed that if he played his cards right, these two would be able to reveal the reason to him. Not that he cared for the girl or anything, but it might bring him closer to finding out about Harry's past – or future to be more accurate.

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