Under the Mistletoe

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Harry walked his friend to the train station the day they left for the Christmas holidays. He'd miss them, especially since apparently everyone was going. Because of the war raging in Europe, both in the wizarding world and the muggle world, everyone wanted to spend as much time with their loved ones while they were still relatively safe. This meant that Tom and he would be the only two in Slytherin staying behind.

Harry sighed once the train left and started walking back to the castle. Tom hadn't talked to him ever since their conversation in the library and Harry dreaded a lonely Christmas. At least he had letters and presents of his friends to look forward to, and Hermione had promised to try and come back a bit earlier for the New Year's party of Slughorn. They'd even agreed to go together.

The whole castle was quiet and empty, with barely any student left. Several of the teachers, the ones with family, were also gone, leaving the remaining students with only Dumbledore, Slughorn, Merrythought, Sirius and the Ground Keeper. Since there were only about a small dozen students, it was enough.


Right, sadly, among the Gryffindor students staying behind were McLaggen, McKinnon and Smith. With a sigh, Harry turned to face them, expression blank. He really didn't know what their problem was, but they kept harassing him every time he was on his own.

"Looking for something? Your precious 'Lion Pride' maybe?" he asked.
"Sorry, haven't seen it. I guess you left that with your brains in some dusty corner."

"Shut your bloody trap, traitor!" McLaggen hissed.

"Yeah! We don't need to hear stuff like that from a cowardly snake!" Smith joined in.

Harry's expression darkened immediately. He glowered angrily at the three older teens in front of him and took a step forward, smirking when he saw McKinnon tense suddenly, his eyes widening in slight fear.

"I'm the coward?" he asked softly.
"Try that again when you're not cornering a younger student three against one you twat!"

Smith growled and took a threatening stance, fisting his wand and aiming it at Harry. Harry wasn't all that worried and even smirked because he had seen another person approach behind the three older boys. He chuckled a bit and nodded in greeting.

"Everything alright here?" Sirius asked casually, making the Gryffindors jump at his voice.

"Mister Black!" McKinnon exclaimed shocked.
"Potter was taunting Smith and even threatened us!"

Sirius blinked and cocked his head, looking over towards Harry with a thoughtful expression. Harry saw the scowl growing on his godfather's face and had to stifle a laugh wanting to bubble up.

"Did he? Huh... that doesn't sound like my nephew..." he muttered with faux confusion lacing his voice.

"Nephew?!" the three boys shouted in shock.

"Of course he is!" McLaggen groaned.
"That explains why a Potter, a perfectly proper Light family ends up in the Snake Pit!"

"Right, because all snakes are evil, right?" Harry hissed.
"I can tell you right bloody now that all of them are better than you dimwits!"

"Alright! Listen you little prat! Just because you let Riddle in your pants-" Smith started.

"Keep talking and maybe you won't even survive until detention," Sirius growled.

"Detention?" McKinnon asked shocked.

"Yes. All three of you will be spending some time cleaning the dungeons with me the next few nights."

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