t w e n t y-o n e

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Ah graduation day! How I have been waiting you upon your arrival here. Yes today is the day that me, Joey, Connor, and Troye will be graduating. After the ceremony the boys are going to be throwing a party. That's when I will do it. I have been waiting for a very long time to ask Joey. And I know that at this party will be the perfect time. I hope he says yes.


Joey, Connor, Troye and I decided to all get ready together. We got a hotel room for all of us right near the location of the party because we all know sure as hell that we will get drunk. Connor was the last person to arrive at the hotel. We finally started to get ready. Our navy blue and white cap and gowns all matched. We were all ready to graduate college. I had the velvet box in my pocket ready for whenever. We all piled into Connor's car and drove to the football field where the ceremony was going to be held. I grabbed Joey's hand.

"We are finally doing this, We are finally graduating Joey!"

"I know I can't wait to be on our own. I can't wait!"


We all took our caps and gowns and off in the hotel room and walked over to the hotel where the party was going to be held at. When we got inside there was a glowing dance floor in the middle of the ball room. I took Joey's hand and guided him outside where a large barn was covered in fairy lights. Troye texted me and said that he had made the announcement to everyone inside telling them to file outside and into the barn. Troye walked over to me and and patted me on the back.

"It's going to be okay. You remember how I proposed to Connor. It's going to be okay. Trust me." I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you for helping me set this up." He nodded, and I turned towards Joey. I connected our hands together, and looked into his eyes. That's when the music started to play. I kissed Joey's cheek and ran up to the top of the hay stacks and started to sing the lyrics to Marry Me by Jason Derulo. (LISTEN TO THIS SONG WHILE READING THIS PART IT WILL MAKE IT 10000000000X TIMES BETTER... BUT BE WARNED U WILL CRY)

"105 is the number that comes to my head, when I think of the years I wanna be with you. Wake up every morning with you in my bed. Thats precisely what I plan to do. And you know one of these days, when I get my money right. Buy you everything you want and show you all the finer things in life. We'll forever be in love, so there ain't no reason to rush. But one day I won't be able to ask you loud enough." I saw Connor pull Joey through the crowd of people throwing white rose petals over him. I started to tear up seeing how happy he was. He ran to the patio where I put a photo album of all the pictures we took together. A bouquet of white roses in a vase, and white candles burning around it. He stopped and looked through the the album, that was my cue to hop off the hay bails and run over to him. The song slowly beginning. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. Singing the lyrics of the song to him while dancing with him on the glowing dance floor out side on the patio. We swayed together.

"I'll say will you marry me? I swear that I will mean it when I say, will you marry me?" Joey started to tear up. Making me smile.

"105 is the number that comes to my head, when I think of the years I wanna be with you. Wake up every morning with you in my bed. Thats precisely what I plan to do." Tears escaping my eyes.

"Joey. Joseph. JoJo. Cutie. Pumpkin. The first time I saw you was senior year in high school. You were my final Target. It took me all through college to finally hit the bullseye, and it sure was tough doing so. But I finally did it. I found my one true love in life. And that is you Joseph Michael Graceffa." I pulled the velvet box out of my pocket, and got down on one knee. Joey now officially crying put his hands over his mouth and nose, knowing exactly what was about to happen.

"My final target. Will you do the amazing honors and becoming my loving husband."

"Yes. Yes. Yes Daniel, of course I will." I picked him up and spin him around, our lips attached the whole time.

"ALRIGHT PARTY TIME!!!!!!!" Troy yelled as loud as he could. I grabbed Joey's hand and pulled him to the dance floor.

"Hey Joey?"


"I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party me and the boys were hosting at the frat house?"

"I would love to." He smiled connecting out lips.


alright! so that is the end of target! i hope you guys enjoyed my very first fanfic! i will post an epilogue for it and then that will be it! thanks so much for sticking with me and reading!

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