Chapter 1

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Princess Tara P.O.V

I walked behind my father towards the dungeons. It was now my fathers decision to decide the fate of the king. My father did not seem happy even though our kingdom had won the battle.

The dungens had a smell that made me want to run miles and miles away from it. I felt the war was won very easily by us. The king of the North was very powerful. The Illumine being the second powerful, the king would know better than to bring less warriors and also the less ranked ones.

It felt like the calm before a storm.

I walked into the king's cell. He was chained. It was such a calming sight to watch. The heartless king, Clader who never lost his battles, losing a fight with a woman who he claims to be as weak.

My father said to the king, " Your father and I had an understanding between the kingdoms. After The Great War. You have lost this battle, and you were never supposed to attack us. So you will surrender all the coast of the entier North. Or we will kill you."

King Calder looked into my eyes first and then my fathers. "You let the love for your daughter blind you and let her fight. And you were blinded by the love for her mother you let her fight too. And so did your father and so did his. But pretty girls who are for our pleasure do not belong in the battle field. I never fought againt your kingdom to win. You really think I would bring my least rankend warriors to a battle agains my most powerful enemy?" He said with a smug look.

"I have a idea to make our Kingdoms the strongest Empire in all the universe has ever seen. " King Calder said.

" And what is that?" My father questions him.

" I want to get married to your daughter, Princess Tara."

His words made me very angry and I lost my self control. " I will not get married to someone who does not respect me as a Warrior. And not to someone who caused The Illumine Empire misery for years. I will never marry you are anyone from your kingdom."

King Calder smirked at me and said, " You don't have a choice Princess. I will continue defeating all the territories that do not belong to the Illumine and at the end it will result in a huge massacre that will make you lose not only your position as warrior but also the entire kingdom. Make your decision carefully, Princess. No one would want you to see you dead later. "

I was about to pull my sword out and kill the worthless human but a hand on my shoulder reminded me that ot was a very stupid and unethical decision.

I excused myself and walked away from the dungeons to meet my second in command and my younger Brother, Prakul.

I knocked his room door and he opened it. "Sister" he said with a smile on his face.
"What brings the most powerful women in the world to my room?"

Returning the smile I say," Men and power."

"Men and power bring you here? These men deserve an award."

"I'm sorry, brother but it's just one man, King Calder." The Kings name brought unwanted tension onto the room.

"We just defeated him in the battle yesterday. He cannot be the reason. What does he want?"

"He wants to marry me." The sentence angered Prakul. I could see his patience slowly slipping away.

"Prakul I am as angry as you, but you have to calm down. We cannot win this battle by force. We have to think of another way. If I do not marry him, he will conquer the weak kingdoms and defeat us in the end. I have no choice. I have not felt so defeated since the death of our mother."

"But sister, you had promised mother that you will only marry a man who truly loves you and will accept you as Queen of Illumine, the most supreme woman in the world. He does neither. Sister, please think about it before making such an important decision."

I slowly sat on a chair in his room and said, " But what about all the other promise? The most important one? I will protect this kingdom with my life. The only way I can do that is by accepting the proposal. No matter how long we deny it brother, even if we have the entier South and West we will not be able to defeat the Northern Kingdom. They are heartless and only live to rule. Its a battle not worth fighting and losing brother. I cannot lose any more people from our kingdom. I will have to get married to him. And when I do i will fight from the inside of North to protect Illumine. "

"Sister, I admire your courage and selflessness, but for once do not give yourself up for our kingdom. Please do not marry him. The kingdom warriors will fight to protect their future queen. They will give their lifes for you if they have to. Please sister for once think about yourself."

I got up from the chair and walked out the room saying, "I'm sorry brother, but I have to protect my Kingdom and their people. I will not let them give up their lives for just one queen. But neither will I accept into this marriage blindly. I will make sure there is a use for me in this marriage. I will not let North rule me."

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I walked down the halls acknowledging all the guards. I reach my fathers chambers and stand outside dwelling on whether I should knock the door or not.

Finally mustering up courage, I knock on the door.

"Come in", my father said in a very formal voice.

I entered the room greeting him with smile. "Oh Tara! Come in my child. I thought you were someone else."

"Thats okay, father. I just wanted to talk to you about what happend in the dungens. When King Calder told us about the proposal..."

"Don't you worry about that child. I will not let that bastard spoil my baby girls life."

"Actually father, I have decided to get married to him". As soon as the words left my mouth my father stood up with angerand shouted in rage making me flinch.

"TARA! Have you lost your mind? You will not marry someone because they blackmail you. Do you not remember your promise to your mother? "

"Father, please calm down. I remember all my promises to mother and that's why I have taken such a decision. Father, many families in our kingdom have already been torn apart after The Great War, and I will not let that happen again. We have already lost once to the North, lets not go through that again. I promise father that I will not let any man rule me. I will always be me and I will no accept this marriage without some conditions. Please, father. "

My father walks towards me and holds my hand. "Tara, letting go of your mother was the hardest thing I have ever done. I gave her my word that I will never let any harm come to you or my son. So promise me child wherever you go you will be happy and you will never ever let North rule you. "

"I promise father " I said and ran towards my room not wanting to break into tears in front of my father.

Now all that was left was dealing with the North.

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