Chapter 6- Tea and Morning Hugs (Full)

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Chapter 6

Two Weeks Later.

"Good Morning Lindsey!" Harry said with a smile, setting down a cup of tea at the front deal with a smile. "Morning Styles," she said thanking him before taking the tea in her hands, taking a small sip.

This had become Harry's daily routine, breakfast with the gang at the hotel, picking up Starbucks for the people at Vance then heading downstairs to the basement to check on the hybrids.

The elevator sounded with a 'Ding!' before the large metal doors opened. Harry walked through the hallway before unlocking and opening the big metal door which led to the room where the hybrids were.

Harry walked along a row of cages, walking to the stove, turning on a few lights and saying the ususal good mornings in the process.

After the pan of eggs finished, Harry put everything on the cart, before skillfully towing it towards the first cage.

With Ed still being in Bath, Harry had taken over the role of Hybrid Care Taker. He didn't mind though, surprisingly he was a natural with them. Though he was surprised at how fast they had taken a liken to him.

Harry smirked walking to the last cage. He stepped inside the cage and set the breakfast and Milk down on the table. "Niall?" he cooed, peeking under the bed. A pair of blue eyes suddenly appeared as he spoke.

Niall smiled as he heard his favorite voice. He pounced on Harry and nuzzled his nose into the crook of Harry's neck. "Hi Harry," Niall whispered before pulling himself up from Harry.

"Morning Niall," Harry said with a smile as he hugged the boy. Harry swore at that moment that Niall gave the best hugs he had ever had, maybe it was the fact that it seemed like their bodies fit perfectly wrapped around eachother. Either way it was the best hug he'd experienced.

"You okay?" Niall said in his usually quiet voice, snapping Harry out of his small trance. "Yeah I'm good, now I brought your breakfast," Harry responded gesturing to the plate on the table. Niall thanked him before picking up his fork.

Harry left Niall to eat while he put the cart back, cleaning away the mess he had made in the kitchen. After straightening the mess, he took the hybrids out to the garden.

Harry looked around the area, watching as each figure interacted with each other or played around. He was seated in the plush grass, holding a guitar as the hybrids played around in the fenced park area. He spotted Niall, playing on the swings with the other hybrids.

Mindlessly, his hands began to strum and the words began to tumble from his lips. 

"I'm gonna pick up the pieces, and build a Lego house. If things go wrong we can knock it down."

Niall heard Harry's voice and excused himself from his friends. For some reason Harry's voice was always so attractive to him, like no matter how bad he felt, hearing Harry's voice made everything better.

Niall sat down beside the curly haired lad as Harry continued to sing and strum, lost in his own little world. Niall watched transfixed by Harry's beauty. From the way to the sun his his eyes, making them sparkle like emeralds to the way Harry's curls flopped loosely in the wind.

Now Niall knew what the birds and bees were. He may have had lost part of his memory before arriving at VSC but he wasn't clueless. After all, he was about 19.

Nonetheless, he knew 3 things. One, he was gay, and he had a feeling he had always been, two he might have had a crush on Harry, and sadly, number three, it didn't matter because Harry could never love him. He was after all a hybrid, and Harry was to perfect for him either way.

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