Chapter 8- Its a Plan, Stan!

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Chapter 8

Niall shook his head, whimpering as a small throb began on his forehead. He hadn't remembered anything expect that he was taken to the lab for a check up, then everything goes blank. Harry must've put him in his bed now.

He heard a clink and hid under his bed, scared. He knew Harry wasn't due here for another hour or so, so it couldn't be him.


"Arg! Damn Cat!" 

he heard a man grunt. Then he heard a loud thump and then silence. This process continued about 5 times before he heard footsteps approaching his stall.

He clung onto the frame under his bed, hiding himself. He saw a flash of light flood underneath the bed. Oh, a flashlight.

"Hey Lennie!" a female voice called. A grunt answered in return. "What are the numbers of the hybrids we have to get?" 

"4, 7, 8, 12, and 16," 

"And how many did we have in the bag?" she stated, shining the light all around Nialls cage. 

"5, come on Sheila ! let's go before caretaker gets here!" he shouted back. 

Niall began to slip, loosing his gripping on the frame. Sheila shined the light, inspecting one last time before walking away. Just as Niall was about to jump down, a light flashed again with a "GOTCHA!"

Niall stayed under his bed as they finally left for good. He wouldn't come out, he was shaking from being so scared. Who were those people?

Harry smiled as he walked into the building "Morning Linds, " he stated before setting down a cup of hot tea. She thanked him with a smile. Harry walked to the elevator, swiping the key before it opened with a ding. He hummed along to the tune as his eyes wandered about the metal box. His eyes squinted as a small red spot caught his eye. Blood? No, it couldn't be, I mean why would there be blood there?

His thoughts were interrupted as the elevator dinged and he walked out. He gasped as he saw a note on the door. 

"we've taken hybrids 

4, 7, 8, 12, and 16 with us. We gave them a choice to stay or be freed and they made their choice."

The note wasn't signed but Harry assumed Mr Vance had left it. A sudden sadness washed over him as he realized Niall would be gone.

After feeding the remaining hybrids breakfast, Harry walked into Nialls cage. Looking around he saw no sign of Niall. "Niall, where are you? Why'd you have to go?." he stated, frowning.


Harry wiped his face and looked around. What was that sound? 'meow' there it was again! He looked under the bed and gasped. "Niall?"

Niall sighes in relief as he saw Harry. 

"H-Harry?" Niall says in such an innocent voice that Harry's heart breaks. "Yeah Ni?" he whispered.

Niall tackle hugged Harry and began to cry. "H-harry it w-was h-horrible." he sobbed as Harry frowned, wondering why the poor lad was crying. "What's wrong love?" he said, patting Nialls back.

Niall melted at the softness of his tone. No one had ever been this gentle with him before, except Harry. "Th-There were people a-and they came in a-and took the hybrids. They t-tried to take me but I h-hid" he whimpered out. Harry frowned, knowing the stress was causing the stutter.

"Hold on love, let me call Mr.Vance and see what he says" Harry said beginning to stand up. Niall frowned and clung to his shirt. "Pl-Please don't leave me"  

Harry picked Niall up, cradling him as he began to walk to the clinics phone. He set Niall on the table and dialed Mr.Vance's number , keeping an arm around Niall.

"Hello, Alexander Vance speaking." 

"Hey Mr.Vance, uhm there are a few hybrids missing and a note on the door. I just wanted to check on that with you." 

"Oh yes Harry, I forgot to tell you. When a hybrid has been here 6 months we give them a choice to leave and be free or stay. The hybrids from last night were given the chance and were freed. No worries. Now we will be giving you a new hybrid today in an hour or so after his check up okay? bye Harry" 

Harry frowned, why had Mr.Vance lied to him?

Niall watched as Harry's frown appeared. "Wh-What'd he s-say?" he whispered, placing his hand on Harry's cheek frowning. Harry snapped out of his thoughts at Nialls soft touch. "He ... he lied and said that they were removed voluntarily. I'm not sure what's going on here but I know that we need to hide you for now because we will be getting a new hybrid." 

Niall whimpered, slightly scared. "Don't be scared, I wont let anything happen to you Niall." Harry said, looking into Nialls eyes,Niall nodded in response. 

"okay now we need to hide you, hmm. you said that the hybrid next to you was taken?" Harry asked. Niall nodded. "Well what if we switch the tags on yours and the cage next to yours then you can hide out in the cage for now just until the new hybrid comes?"

"Harry your a genius! " Niall said, hugging Harry. "And thank you for protecting me," he whispered. Harry nodded, knowing he'd do anything to protect the boy infront of him.


As 2:00pm rolled around, and after switching the tags on the cages, Niall got settled in, hiding under the bed. A knock sounded at the metal door and Harry went to open it up, "Yes Harry? this is the new hybrid Mr.Vance wanted me to bring to you.

Harry peered at the collared hybrid. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He thanked the man and showed the boy to his new cage. "This is it," Harry said settling the hybrid in before putting the new tags on the cage and unhooking the leash and collar.

As Harry left to finish paperwork for the new hybrid, Niall crawled out to greet the new hybrid. "meow," he said friendly, gasping as he saw the new hybrid. " I know you," whispered the hybrid, looking at Niall. "Im Louis.



i updated (FINALLY) 

ohhhhh Louis is B A C K ! opinions?

okay my reasoning for not updating:

* I was reading The Hybrid by SecretGirl3049 READ IT!! itsamazinggg 

*My mom cut the internet off my phone for now ._. 


if you read this comment your favorite song!


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