Chapter Four

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Like a good boyfriend, Atem went out and bought some yaoi manga for [Name]. He even purchased several boy x boy dōujinshi and two yaoi hentai DVDs. However, the apple of his eye wasn't very pleased to see him strutting towards her with a giant smile on his face, with a even bigger pile of what was basically gay porn cradled in his arms.

"Eh?" the foreigner squeaked once he handed them to her.

"You said that you liked boy love," he ruffled her hair before hugging her.

"Whoa there, we discussed this yesterday!"

"Friends hug, don't they?" was his voice seductive or venomous?

"So, what are you going to do for a deck? Yugi and you ca-"

"We're still debating, but we more importantly haven't decided on whom will be keeping the god cards," Atem sighed, lowering his arms.

"Why not give them to somebody else?"

Atem bent over, laughing so hard that his face turned red and tears fell from his closed eyes. It seemed like he was having trouble breathing and he eventually developed hiccups. Once he was done giggling like a small child, he corrected his posture and wiped at his violet eyes as he did his best to ease his erratic breathing. [Name] had gone from confused to angry in the short ten seconds that it had taken the former body snatcher to double over and laugh at her, so she dropped the yaoi collection quite heavily onto his booted feet and entered her suite. Just to drive the point home, she slammed the door with one of his fingers not even a centimetre away from being smashed to death. Shakily, he drew his hand back as he shot the rather harshly shut door a puzzled expression.

His confusion was quickly replaced by rage.

Back in the old days, he could go for luxurious horse rides to ease his mind. But, he didn't have a few hundred horses at his command in this era. In truth, he had nothing of his former days as a crowned king save for the somewhat muddled memories that filled his present self with envy. Unfortunately, he had no outlet for his frustrations.

He missed being king.


She felt like a king, or rather queen, as she snapped at people left and right. Hardly anybody actually did what she told them, but a few were working to please the adoptive daughter of Maximillion J. Pegasus, as they laboured beneath the red hot sun of Egypt that beat against their backs as though it so desired to bake them alive.

"GLORIFIED GRAVE ROBBERS!" Chiasa Akaibara barked at the men edging towards the tomb.

"Shuddup and let us do our job!" some male screamed back at her.

"How would you like it if someone broke into your burial place, stole all of your shit, and profited from it?! Would you like it if I put your corpse behind glass for people to gawk at so long as I claimed that it was research purposes? You're all fame whores and you get your money from disturbing the eternal peace of the deceased! Have you no shame?! You don't even care what their names are! If they don't have their names, then they can't-"

"They're dead, Chiasa. They can't do anything."

She felt rage boil up inside of her, her cerulean eyes narrowing.

"You can't get your kicks from something besides graves?" she glared, her blue coated lips curved downwards into a disappointed frown.

"We're just doing our job," the same male from earlier groaned.

The few that listened to her stared at their tools, partially ashamed and somewhat concerned about their own futures.

"I'll look forward to any news reports that your graves were desecrated," she turned her back to them and strode off to find her legal guardian.

His head hung low, a groan fleeing from his parched lips as he tried to massage his temples. He knew that his newly found daughter was a humanitarian, but this was... This was far, far too much. From the look in her eyes to the emotion in her eyes, she even had him feeling just the slightest bit of guilt. However, his findings were what had been his inspiration behind the duel monster card game and he knew how enthralled she was with it. He'd even made a deck in her image, the Valkyrie Lady cards were like a sister deck to the Harpie Lady ones. He'd given them to her as a birthday gift, more decks created for each of his adoptive children. Sadly, his daughters had traded their decks. Chiasa favoured the Harpie Lady cards and Chizuru took his very own Toon World deck. The cards from the elder of the two went to a beaten opponent named Mai, and Chizuru gave her cards to a classmate from their prestigious private school.

"Father," she entered the spacious tent, her arms folded as she shot him a glare.

"Not now, my head still hurts from last nyght. You're quite like a banshee," he mumbled.

"If I'm a banshee, then maybe they'd heed my wails. They are glorified grave robbers!"

"I should've made you a grave robber deck instead of a winged female one," he complained.

"Are you even listening to me?! They nearly broke a piece of Queen Qamar's glass coffin when they opened the outer shell of her-"

"Maybe you were an Egyptian in a past life? Maybe that's why you're so annoyingly-"

"Nope, you're not listening one bit. Great. Ugh, I'm going to sleep. Wake me up if Chizuru sends any post cards from her competition," she waved away her adoptive parent's ramblings.

Scrambling to her own tent, one less luxurious than Pegasus's but still not completely modest, Chiasa looked up at the sky and thought before ducking into the fabricated abode. She didn't exactly believe in past lives or really anything of that elk, but his mutterings broke into the back of her skull and they simply refused to leave. Getting changed into her usual pyjamas, she crawled into her sleeping bag and gave off a heavily exhausted sigh.


Drifting to sleep, she was welcomed back to her imaginary kingdom by the beautiful river and her fictional lover had her held safely in his strong arms.

Chiasa slept peacefully that nyght, cradled by the fantasies conjured by her subconscious mind.


[Name] was having another nyghtmare, the same old bad dream as usual.

To think that it still continued to terrify her was slightly amusing, since she had seen it over a thousand time already and knew exactly how it would draw to a blood red close.

Worse yet, she always woke up covered in sweat as she wept into her shaking palms.


That was the name of the handsome fellow with a scar running down the side of his strong face...


Was he as real as Atem, or just an erotic fantasy that [Name] created within the dark despair of her bad dreams?

Akefia... I love you...

Love is Eternal [Reader x YANDERE! Atem x OC]Where stories live. Discover now