Chapter Five

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Atem's innocent expression was unwavering, but the evidence claimed otherwise as the [body type] female sank to her knees and picked up various cards.

"It was dark and they kinda looked like bats," he pouted, and [Name] had to admit that it made her want to swoon.

"These were [Holiday] cards from my brother!!!"

"They looked like bats," he protested, stomping his foot.

Given his experience with women, Atem wasn't very pleased to see anything that belonged to his queen that included the name or image of another male. Given the way that Egyptian royalty had gone about things, that especially included siblings. Of course, he couldn't exactly tell her that he had gone looking through her things after they cuddled last nyght for items involving males and had then purposely destroyed every single object that even remotely smelled masculine. He'd lost his love once, was it really that difficult to understand that he would try his hardest to keep history from repeating? The look on her beautiful face clearly said otherwise.

She sighed and got to her feet.

"Well, accidents happen. The next time that you need to pee, though, turn on a light or something."

"But, that would wake you," Atem pouted.

[Name] wanted to bang her head against something either extremely hard or very pointy. A concussion, or death, would get her out of this tiny situation with the centuries old hottie from another country.

How would that look on a postcard to her parents and brother?

I'm stuck in Japan with a sexy sexy Pharaoh from Ancient Egypt! Hope you're enjoying your summer as much as I am!
- love,

Yeah, she decided to exclude that tidbit when it would come time for her to write to them.

"So, let's discuss your deck," Atem grabbed her suddenly by her shoulders and kissed her forehead.

"I need more traps and less spells, right?" [Name] nodded.

"Also, we need to swap out some of your monsters."

"Oh! That reminds me, what'll you and Yugi do about your decks?" she stepped away from him.

Momentarily, his violet eyes flashed a sinisterly crimson hue but they quickly returned to their alluring purple colour.

"Yugi will be using the Eye deck that Pegasus has so graciously sent him and I'll be using the Grave-keeper one that he's also loaning out for the tournament. If we can't fix your deck, then you'll be using our original cards," Atem explained, taking hold of her warm hand.

"And the three god cards?"

"Yugi will be keeping Slifer, I'm getting Rai, and you-"

"Me?!" she squeaked.

Atem nodded, smiling with a chuckle.

"You will be given the third god card," Atem handed over the Tormentor.

There was a moment of silence as her [colour] eyes took in the image, her fingertips absorbing the feel of the powerful monster. [Name] cleared her throat and gazed at Atem before looking down at the card again. It felt heavier than her cards, heavier than her entire deck even. She knew that they were all just printed images with text on thin sheets of paper, but this one sent a chill down her [height] spine.

She felt like she needed to say something.

"Did you know that the Japanese call Slifer the Sky Dragon a different name entirely? They refer to him as the Celestial Dragon of Osiris," she blurted.

Atem busted out laughing at her.

"Oshirisu no Tenkūryū," he translated into Japanese.

"Same thing," she shrugged.

Her flirting game was so weak that it couldn't even choke a baby.

Then again, choking babies is a bad thing.

He kissed her cheek and dismissed himself, saying something about the bathroom. She waved him away and once more sighed, dropping again to her knees to pick up the twisted and ripped pieces of cardboard-like paper. As she cleaned up the mess that was made and also left behind by her wouldbe suitor, [Name] thought some more about his already feeble excuse. Bats? Even in the dark, their shapes were so incredibly different from one another... [Name] shook her head and sighed, quickly deciding to go exploring to clear her mind a little once the floor held no proof that the king had gone batshit in the middle of the nyght.

As she meandered, [Name] passed by Shizuka and Honda. Much like the first duo that she had personally met, they were making out hard as heck. With a flushed expression, she sprinted past them and successfully managed to accidentally launch herself into Anzu's small breasts. They started an awkward conversation and they were both very careful not to mention their male companions until something dawned on [Name].

"Anzu, what all do you know about Yami Muto? Personally, I mean...."

"He's very wise and he cares about his friends immensely. I actually used to have a crush on him before I started dating Yugi," she blushed.

"What happened that changed your feelings about him?" [Name] inquired.

"I understood that he wasn't the one for me, that's all. Firstly, he didn't have his own body and he didn't know himself. There's also the fact that he was pretty creepy when Yugi first freed him and-"

"Creepy how?"

"Atem, Yami, whatever... When he was first freed from the puzzle, he was sort of rouge I guess? Everything turned into a shadow game and he took a lot of innocent souls," Anzu's gaze lowered, her voice cracking.

"Who took a lot of innocent souls?"

[Name] spun around quickly upon hearing that all so familiar voice, yet it was a voice that she hadn't heard even once. Her gaze landed on a lanky British boy with spiky white hair and his eyes were so...

"We were just talking about a horror flick," [Name] immediately lied.

And because her luck is so perfect, that's when she noticed a millennium artefact around his creamy neck. That's also when Atem rounded the corner and locked eyes with the newcomer.

"Akefia," he glared.

Akefia... So you're real...

Love is Eternal [Reader x YANDERE! Atem x OC]Where stories live. Discover now