Chapter 10

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[name] p.o.v

I never though living with Yoongi would be good. We have a lot of fun together but its a bit awkward for me since we have to share a room. Two months have passed so quick and I almost forgot that I had to leave. 

I don't know how to tell him that. Me and my grandma made up with each other. Even though I didn't really wanted to I moved back to her house, mostly because of my parents. I mean what would they think if I  they saw me living with a dude they don't know. 

I have to confess, I do miss Yoongi sleeping by my side. His hugs and kissed makes me never want to leave him. My grandma does allow him to visit me anytime he wants so we see each other a lot. 

'What would happen if I leave? Would be move on? Would he really forget about me?' I thought.

The doorbell rang and I stood up to answer the door. It was Yoongi. A smile appeared on his face when I opened the door. 'I love his smile.'

"Hey [name]." He said.

"Hi Yoongi." I said. I was feeling gloomy since I have to leave Seoul tomorrow and go back to Busan and I know he noticed.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yoongi... I- I have to tell you something." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm leaving." I replied.

"When?" He asked and I didn't reply.

"When [name]?" He screamed.

"T- tomorrow." I answered.

"When were you going to tell me?" He asked.

"My grandma only told me yesterday. She said my parents called, I didn't know how to tell you." I said and he looked at me with a sad expression.

We locked eyes for a couple of seconds before he got up and left, going back to his house. I just watched him, I didn't know what to do...I was hurt as well.

After that I went back inside the house and into my room. I didn't leave the room the whole day, I just kept staring at Yoongi's window. The curtains were closed and he didn't even bothered looking out. 

Later that night after I had finished packing my things I cried myself to sleep. I remembered all the great moments we shared when I was living with him. 

*Next Morning* 

I woke up with someone knocking on my door, I got up from bed and answered the door.  I was surprised to see my parents standing there with a big smile on their face.

"Hi honey." My mom said giving me a hug that my father joined soon after.

"How have you been?" My dad asked.

"Good." I answered.

"Are you sure, you look sad." My mom said.

"Yea." I replied.

"Will give you some time to get ready, when your done we will go back home okay?" My dad said and I just nodded.

After they left my room I walked over to my window and opened the curtains. When I opened the curtains I was surprised to see him there looking at me. Just when we locked eyes he left, leaving me almost at the verge of crying. 

I walked inside the bathroom and did my usual morning routine. After I was done I grabbed my luggage and went downstairs. I saw my mom and dad sitting on the sofa with my grandma. My mom looked a bit sad about whatever my grandma told them but she tried to hide it as soon as she saw me.

"It was nice seeing you again mom, but it's time to go." My father said.

He walked closer to me, grabbing my luggage and giving me a smile before getting out of the house. Me and my mom followed soon after.

As I went outside I looked over at Yoongi's house, the curtains were all closed, it seemed like he wasn't home but I knew he was. I wanted to go there, give him one last hug before I leave but I felt like he wasn't going to answer the door.

I gave me grandma one last huge before sitting on the back seat of the car. As soon as we started to leave I gave one last look at Yoongi's house ans saw him peeking through the window. I mumbled an 'I love you' but I doubt he saw it.

After that I tried to forget about it for a while, believing it would be less painful. I grabbed my phone and started to listen to some songs. I looked at the phone and remembered that Yoongi had bough it foe me, two weeks after I started living with him. I suddenly felt a tear roll down my eyes, I wiped the tear and decided to sleep. 

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