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"Hmm..." A grumpy old woman faced them, seemingly unimpressed. The group of misfits couldn't help but stand out even if they were all wearing yukatas. Hiyori remembered that she was the only one other people would notice in the first place, which just made her even more uncomfortable. They all stood in front of the ticket center, talking with one of the stall owners. "You're Yato?" The old woman barked.

"The one and only!" Yato agreed happily. "Meet my man Daikoku!" Yato gave him a hard slap on the back and Daikoku flinched. "He's my trusted supervisor and employee, so he'll make sure we're all working hard!"

"Wait a second--" He started.

"Well, I really don't have time to be picky, so there's no other choice..." The old lady sighed as she folded her arms. "I'll need you helping out at a bunch of game and food stalls over there." She pointed to some stalls closeby.

"Yes ma'am!" Yato and Yukine saluted.

"Oh," the old woman stopped them before they could head out. "And I'll need you to wear these as well. All the people working at the stalls are supposed to wear one." She handed them all masks with faces of spirits painted on them.

Yukine put on the mask. "This is suffocating..."

"Aww, Yukine you look so cute!" Hiyori giggled behind her own mask.

"Why did I even come..." Daikoku wondered regretfully.

"C'mon guys, this looks like a pretty fun job!" Yato exclaimed excitedly. "Now that that's taken care of..." Yato struck a dramatic pose, pointing off into the distance. "Onward my people! Let the Yato Club (and its temporary member Daikoku) go forth!!"

The rest of the group stared at him. "How lame can you get?" Yukine sighed in disbelief.

The festival was crowded with people. Hiyori peeked around at the young couples, feeling a little annoyed for some reason.

Yato looked back, noticing that Hiyori was falling behind. He grabbed her hand and she jumped. "C'mon Hiyori, you're gonna get lost!"

"S-sorry..." She tried to focus on looking at the stalls as they walked by, but all she could feel was the warmth of Yato's hand as he led her through the crowd. Their little accident the day before was still fresh in her mind. "Um...Yato? You can let go now..."

"If I do that, you're just gonna wander off when I'm not looking," Yato said firmly.

"W-well its just that...your hand...it's kinda...sweaty." Hiyori let go of a frozen Yato and wiped her own hand on her yukata.

"I know right? Its disgusting," Yukine piped up from the front. "Whenever I transform I have to deal with trying not to puke inside my mouth."

"S-sweaty..." Yato collapsed on the ground in shock. "...are my hands really that...that bad??"

"Get a move on ya bum, we have to get working," Daikoku muttered in annoyance. Yukine prodded Yato with a stick as he lied there, unmoving on the floor. Hiyori covered her mouth. Her face was still flushed, and she couldn't calm down.

What's wrong with me? She wondered incredulously. Unable to take it, she slapped both of her cheeks simultaneously, surprising Yukine and Daikoku.

"Hiyori, are you alright?" Yukine asked in shock.

"Y-yeah, I'm completely fine..." Hiyori laughed nervously. "I'm going to the bathroom, you guys go ahead!" She took off, waving behind her.

"Alright then..." Daikoku sighed, scratching his head curiously. He slung a passed out Yato over his shoulder and proceeded walking. "C'mon, we better get going too, Yukine."

"Right..." Yukine looked after Hiyori worriedly, and then ran to catch up with the rest of them. She's been acting kind of weird lately, he thought to himself. I wonder what's up...

Hiyori splashed her face with some water, trying her best to cool down. No, I can't act up right now, she thought as she gave herself a determined look in the mirror. I have to get back to everyone! Hiyori paused, looking down at the drain as she remembered the last time she had gone to a festival. Nora had gotten ahold of her, and that day she had forgotten who Yato even was. She felt her fists tighten. No way would that ever happen again...if it was in her power, she'd do anything to stop Yato and Yukine from going through that pain a second time.

But you're a human, humans always forget...

Hiyori's eyes widened. Her head jerked up as she looked around for the source of the voice. Could...could it be Nora?! Hadn't Yato exiled her?! She attempted to calm herself down. On second thought, the voice definitely sounded male. She wondered if it was a phantom lurking around somewhere.

"Where are you coming from?"

So you can hear me...you really are half phantom, aren't you?

Hiyori could detect a smile in the man's voice. She bit her lip. "I'm not playing games, where are you hiding?"

I'm right in front of you, dear...but I suppose you can't see me. I'm just a voice in your head, after all.

Shivers crept down Hiyori's spine. "W-what do you want?"

I was hoping you'd ask that...it's about the Yato god, dear. You shouldn't be involving yourself with him, it'll only cause you harm. Think about it; in another five to ten years you'll probably be married, while poor Yato and his blessed vessel are left to themselves, as young as they always were.

"I-it doesn't matter! We're all friends, I don't care if Yato's a god or Yukine's a spirit!" Hiyori argued. "No matter how much time passes by, we'll still be friends!"

Imagine the pain you've put them through, forgetting their existences so easily. I wonder what would happen once they are the ones attending your funeral, my dear...

Hiyori was speechless. Her hands went clammy. After vowing to never let them grieve over her again, was that promise even possible? "I-I don't want them to suffer because of me but--"

Then why don't you just die already.


I'm sure you'd be much more useful to Yato as his regalia. Then you could be with them forever, right?

Her heart was pounding, her ears ringing. She remembered all too well when she had let a phantom take over her and Yato was running out of options. If he had killed her, she could've become his regalia alongside Yukine. So why didn't he?


"If you die, there are a lot of people you'll never see again...th-that's why you can't cross over yet." (A/N refer to manga)

Hiyori snapped back to reality, digging her fingernails into her palms. "Look, I don't know what you are, but whatever decision I make is the path I've chosen to walk on. And nobody can tell me that it is the wrong choice!"

Aww, you're no fun. I'll come back later my dear...until then.

Hiyori sensed the presence vanish. She could feel her shoulders relax, but she was still worried about whoever that was. And what did he mean about coming back later? She tried to store the thought away in the back of her mind, finishing up quickly so she could rejoin the others.

"Hiyori, there you are." Daikoku said in his husky voice. "You'll be running that food stall right there."

"Okay, great!" Hiyori tried her best to smile, but it didn't feel right. She joined Yukine, and was assigned to help with grilling some squid for the customers. That voice...couldn't have been a phantom, she thought absent-mindedly. He hasn't given off that kind of vibe...in fact, he actually smelled kind of good...Hiyori's eyes widened, almost dropping the squid. It couldn't be...it was...a god?!

to be continued...


If you wish for more, 5 yen will be enough! ~yato

written by neko.bi (geeksgivecuggles)
Noragami: The Lost God™

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2016 ⏰

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