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So this is my first Obikin fanfic. I totally ship them and yeah, I hope you'll like it! English is NOT my first language so don't be mad at me, if I make any mistakes.

Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka are now flying to Kiros. They were assigned to go there because they have to save all the slaves, who are held there because of a bad queen.

"I hope we will free them all." Obi-Wan said calmly.
"I hope so too." Ahsoka said
"This all makes me so angry!" Anakin shouted. Obi-Wan looked at him sternly
"Anakin please stay calm. It will be work out. Just try not to do things that you might regret and listen to the orders."
"Yes I'll try!" he retorted

After a few minutes they landed.
"Another happy landing!" Obi-Wan laughed
Anakin looked annoyed but then smiled
"This joke isn't even funny, when you say it so often."
Obi-Wan raised his eyebrow "What? It is funny!"
Anakin laughed "Okay if you say so."
Ahsoka watched them and tried not to grin. They're always teasing each other and the looks they give each other.
'Are they in love?' Ahsoka thought 'No they' never!' she pushed the thought away and walked behind Anakin and Obi-Wan.

Anakin's Pov

Here we are. We're trying to save the slaves. I hope it'll work out because I hate these slave drivers, I hate them!
Oh if Obi-Wan would hear my thought he would probably say 'Anakin stay calm' 'Anakin you need to focus on the mission'.
Sometimes it frustrated me when he said that, but that's Obi-Wan.
My wonderful former master.
He's so beautiful and cute.
Since when I thought about him this way? A few years maybe. I want him by my side everyday, I want to go home and cuddle with him, I want to kiss his scars after he came back from a battle, I want, no I NEED Obi-Wan but he will never think like that about me, and that hurts. He live by and for the code, he's just the ideal perfect Jedi.

My thought were interrupted by Obi-Wan's voice.
"Anakin? Do you even listen to me?"
"Ahh, what?...yes.." I whispered
"And what did I said?"
I said nothing, I just hoped that he would repeat that what he said.
"You haven't listened. I asked if we want to split up. You go and look for the slave driver queen and Ahsoka and I look for the slaves." he said serious.
"Yes yes I will go." I said and rushed away. How suspicious looked that?

Obi-Wan's Pov

What's going on with Anakin? Is he so angry about the slave driver or is ot something else?
In the last few days he's so different he didn't really talk to me he's always sad and when I try to ask him he always said it would be nothing.
I hope it wasn't me who put him in this mood.
I love being near Anakin. I love hearing his voice. I love his presence. How long do I have these feelings for him? Does that even matter? He will never feel the same way, because I'm pretty sure there's something going on between him and Senator Amidala. But I need him. I want to wake up with him in my arms, I want to see his smile every day I want to kiss his pain away, I just need him.

"Master Kenobi, are you there?" Ahsoka asked worried
"What? Yes I'm alright, I just...thought about something, I'm fine." I assured her.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. There's no need to worry." I said gently.
"So what's the plan?" Ahsoka asked me.

5 hours later

Ahsoka's Pov

Finally we reached our camp and I can lay down and get some sleep. I'm very exhausted. When I laid down I heard Obi-Wan and Anakin talking outside.
I didn't heard everything, but it sounds like they're arguing.
Hmm, I really wondering what's going on between them. I mean first they're teasing each other then the looks they gave each other and then they're both were in such a deep thoughts, maybe they were thought about each other?
I try to find out but for now I try to sleep.

So my first chapter! How is it? Is my English okay? Please comment :)

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