Rescue mission

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I'm so sorry that I haven't update, this story. I was on vacation with my parents and I was out with friends and yeah, but enjoy this chapter now :)

Obi-Wan's POV:

I dressed myself to go out with Anakin. I put on a jeans and a shirt, because I really don't want to walk around with my Jedi robes. I walked into the living room and I saw Anakin was standing there. Handsome as hell. I smiled at him. "Ready?" he smiled at me too "Yes I am"
I took his hand and walked outside, Anakin pulled his hand away.
"Sorry, but we can't walk around like that"
"Yeah, I know"
We walked through the streets and found that restaurant we're looking for. We wanted to enter but then my comlink beeped.
Anakin looked at me with a sad look.
Actually I really didn't wanted to answer but I'm a Jedi and the duty comes first.
I hesitated but then I answered. "Yes?"
"Master Kenobi, we have a mission for you and General Skywalker."

I looked at Anakin than at the comlink "Well, and what do we have to do?"
"The chancellor got kidnapped by General Grievous"
I nodded "We're on our way" The comlink went off.

"Obi-Wan I want to spent some time with you, I don't want to go on a mission." he said  disappointed.
"I know I want that too, but the duty comes first, you know that." I looked at him "Come we need to go back"
He just nodded and walked behind me.

Anakin's POV:

Ahhh I'm about to freak out. I just wanted to spent a little time with Obi-Wan and then we have to go on a mission. It frustated me.

When we arrived in our room, I dressed myself with my boring boring Jedi clothes.
When I was dressed, and Obi-Wan too, we walked to our ships and started to fly.

We flew with our ship through the war. Hundreds of ships fought against each other. Dark side vs light side.

3rd Persons POV:

"Master, General Grievous's ship is directly ahead the one crawling with vulture droids." I said monotonously.

"I see it. Oh, this is going to be easy. Oddball, do you copy?" Obi-Wan asked.
"Copy, Red Leader." Oddball answered
"Mark my position. Form your squad up behind me." Obi-Wan said
"We're on your tail, General Kenobi."

"This is were the fun begins" Anakin said smiling.
Obi-Wan looked over to Anakin. "Let them pass between us."

They continue to fly while one of the pilots got hit and the ship exploded.

"They're all over me." one of the pilots said "Get them of my-"
Anakin answered quickly "I'm gonna go help them out." 
Obi-Wan contradicted "No. They are doing their job so we can do ours." 

Suddenly Anakin saw something which flew directly in front of him.
"Missiles. Pull up!"
The missiles passed between Anakin and Obi-Wan.
"They overshot us." Obi-Wan said
The missiles turned around.
"They're coming around." Anakin said calmly like it was the easiest thing he ever had to do.

You could tell that Obi-Wan really hated to fly. He looked tense.
"All right, R4. No, no, nothing too fancy."

Anakin had no problem with the missiles.
"Surge all power units, R2. Standby reverse thrusters."
He turned his ship until the missiles flew against each other, and exploded.
He smiled "We got em' R2"

Obi-Wan looked like he had a problem with the missiles. "Flying is only for droids!"
Suddenly he got one more problem. He flew through a few buzz droid which clung themselves on Obi-Wan's ship.

"I'm hit. Anakin?" he asked.
Anakin flew behind him. "I see them. Buzz droids."
Obi-Wan looked around nervously and then shouted. "R4, be careful. You have a-" he stopped then sentence cause the buzz droids have already remove the head of R4.
Obi-Wan started to sweat.
"Oh dear." he looked around.
"They're shutting down all the controls."
"Move to the right, so I can get a clear shot at them." Anakin said to him.

"The mission. Get to the command ship." he demanded. "Get the chancellor. I'm running out of tricks here."
But Anakin ignored him, and tried to shot away the droids, on Obi-Wan's ship.

Obi-Wan's ship wiggled. "In the name of-" he shouted. "Hold your fire! You're not helping."
"I agree. Bad idea."

The buzz droids on Obi-Wan's ship shutting even more down.
"I can't see a thing. My cockpit's fogging!"
Anakin flew with his ship besides Obi-Wan's.

"They're all over me. Anakin!" Obi-Wan shouted.
Anakin flew with his ship against Obi-Wan's, trying to remove the buzz droids.
"Move to the right." Anakin said
Obi-Wan shouted "Hold on. You'll get us both killed." He pressed a button behind him.
"Get out of here. There's nothing more you can do."

Anakin shook his head "I'm not leaving without you Master."
He couldn't even think about it to leave him alone. He would never do that.

He flew his ship against Obi-Wan's again, but this time a buzz droid walk on Anakin's ship.

"Get him R2!" R2 tried to catch the droid
"R2 hit the buzz droid's centre eye." Obi-Wan said to him.
R2 hit the droids centre eye with his power flash and the droid was dead.

Anakin smiled proudly "Yeah, you got him!"
"Great R2!" Obi-Wan said

"The general's commander ship is dead ahead."
"Have you noticed the shield's are still up?" Obi-Wan asked a little angry
Anakin apologised "Sorry Master"

He destroyed the shield's "I have a bad feeling about this." Obi-Wan said still tense.

They flew into the commander ship and destroyed a few droid's who were standing on the platform.

"R2 locate the chancellor!" Obi-Wan said.
The little droid showed a hologram from the ship. "The chancellor's signal is coming from right there-" he showed on the point with his finger. "-the oberservation platform at the top of that spire."

"I sense Count Dooku." Anakin said while he's looking around. "I sense a trap"
Anakin turned around to look at him. "Next move?" he smiled at him, Obi-Wan smiled back "Spring the trap."

Anakin's POV:

The way he smiled at me, gosh how can someone be so beautiful?
He wanted to go but I stopped him and turned him around. I looked deep into his eyes and laid my hand on his cheek.
"I love you"
He smiles at me with his beautiful blue eyes. "I love you too." He grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me.
I moaned softly into his mouth and suddenly I had this need to feel him.
To feel his skin on my skin. I want to kiss him all over his body, I want him with every part of me, but then he pulled away.
"Actually I owe you more." he smirked at me. "but you have to wait a little more."

He began to go to one of the elevators. I was just standing there and looked at him and smiled.
"What exactly do you owe me?" I smirked
He turned around grinning "You will see when we're home again. Just be patient."

I groaned and went beside him in the elevator.
He laughed when he saw my face. "You will definitely enjoy it." He smirked
I laughed "Well, I'll hope so"

And then the elevator went down.

Hey :) Well, I changed my story a little bit cause I got this idea and yes I needed to write it down. The words I've written in this way are the original sentence from Star Wars Episode 3. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! ➡Comments and votes are appreciated 😊

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